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Everything posted by Igordhossegor

  1. I can offer 200k for farfetch if interested
  2. @BlueHazard: Let me know when you are available for the trade.
  3. i buy duskull, I'll ne online in few minutes
  4. Well i sold my reroll so i bid 3m cash.
  5. I offer 750K + 3 reroll iv on castform if you accept reroll iv (=3m bid).
  6. Wrong section, should be posted in buying section. And btw shiny char worth more around 40-50m (for a trash one) for information.
  7. I can start it with 3m if you want
  8. Thanks but it's too much for me, I pass.
  9. I can start an auction with 10m if interested
  10. 1.35 + 50k
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