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Everything posted by Igordhossegor

  1. @justbillionare let me know when you can be online. I will come to silver server.
  2. Let's start bulba with 25m
  3. Big update to add the gen3 screens + some gen1/2 starters.
  4. In case of you want to sell it, I can offer you 1m. Let me know if interested.
  5. Let's start with 30m
  6. start electivire 2m
  7. Thanks for you offer but i'll pass.
  8. I made this fishing contest and it was funny. I don't have anything to say about rewards, i guess it's balanced. But about the time of the contest, 1h30 is too long. With only 30-45min, it would be enough because at the end, it's boring and some left before the end. And about the logs spam, it could be improved : less logs needed, you can delete the top15-25 from log and only post a log for top1, top3, top10.
  10. It worth around 25m I think (even if not fully trained). Make an auction on this forum with start offer 20m, no insta, duration 72h if you want to sell it. For your next price check, post directly on the price check sub forum.
  11. Rharomy is my main (IGN). The cash is on this account.
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