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About Hejazia
- Birthday 08/02/1995
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Green name denotes a rare spawn. Full list that was compiled a few months ago, sharing it since some of the Pokemon named in Post #1 were inaccurate.
Which one do you prefer Kyurem xmas or orignal?
Hejazia replied to Vithu96's topic in General Game Talk
Kyurem White/Black > OG Kyurem > Xmas Kyurem -
PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: idkup Friendliest: Ocean Funniest: iriztha Coolest: Belzebel Comeback Player of the Year: Black Most Talkative: Waleed1301 Most Trustworthy: Waleed1301 Most Helpful: Waleed1301 Most Missed: ShinyCelebi Most Influential: Waleed1301 Most Intriguing: Exclusivez Most Experienced Player: GlogS Best/Funniest Username: Penny Most Professional Guide Maker: Waleed1301 Most Professional Discord Moderator: LightningVector STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Chariot Best Artist: Polkadot Best Content Scripter: Frucht Best Community Coordinator: Contrary Best Moderator: Qeight Best Trade Moderator: Tigerous Best Tester: Firekeeper Best Game Master: Logan Best Admin: Red Best Developer: Shaolan Best Staff Username: BadW0lf Most Professional Staff: Novus Most Dedicated Staff: Logan Funniest Staff: Shizeria Friendliest Staff: WhiteBaron Most Honorable Former Staff: Naero Most Missed Former Staff: Cie
I have Shovel item from store but this particular hole makes me choose a Pokemon from my party that has Dig, which I know is not working as intended. All other holes in the game allow Shovel to bypass this chat prompt.
Fixed my post. I wrote Makuhita instead of Riolu.
No, all sites have 8 Pokemon. You saw a Riolu there because the old excavations had that Pokemon. It is impossible to find it now at Historical Site. You didn't find Mr. Mime after the spawn changes were made, you found it before that point in time. The Reborn bot on discord gives wrong spawns because it is not updated.
Any Mewtwo that you see that has the armour is Steel/Psychic and has Unaware ability.
This thread has a lot of incorrect spawns, like it lists Pokemon that were removed with the excavation changes. So I'm just gonna give you the entire list of confirmed spawns. Each excavation site has 8 Pokemon. Buizel, Slowpoke, Clamperl, Alomomola, Carvanha, Shellos, Mudkip, Feebas Gible, Goomey, Skrelp, Dratini, Trapinch, Horsea, Rhyhorn, Noibat Clefairy, Flabebe, Snubbull, Marill, Sigilyph, Porygon, Klefki, Spoink Lunatone, Bronzor, Aron, Solrock, Beldum, Onix, Larvitar, Drilbur Growlithe, Torkoal, Cubone, Absol, Pawniard, Darumaka, Vulpix, Deino Machop, Baltoy, Phanpy, Riolu, Heracross, Hawlucha, Croagunk, Scraggy Budew, Tangela, Shroomish, Combee, Turtwig, Burmy, Karrablast, Venipede Mantyke, Snorunt, Shellder, Piplup, Sneasel, Swinub, Bergmite, Corphish Misdreavus, Gastly, Shuppet, Duskull, Rotom, Honedge, Sableye, Yamask
60 seconds is reasonable in my opinion. I just go with my gut feeling with regards to opponent switches but I have damage calculator with my own Pokemon pre-saved in the background and it doesn't take a long time to put in opponent's Pokemon and see which move is best. Some people are talking about trying to figure out which exact set/spread your opponent might be using which supposedly takes a long time. Allow me to demonstrate how much effort is required in such circumstances. *Click* (Scarf Tyranitar set picked in dropdown menu) *Click* (Assault Vest Tyranitar set picked in dropdown menu) Yeah, it really takes that long folks. You don't need to be a mind reader and know exactly what your opponent is doing. When it comes to calculations you just need to have a general idea of ranges and visually determine how much HP bar % the opponent has left. Usually I make my move when the current timer is halfway when I stop to calculate. Otherwise it's even faster than that.
resolved i got dc when i was trying to catch zapdos.
Hejazia replied to Faisal06361's topic in General Support
Nikola should have the legendary birds. You can get it back that way. -
Phoenix Guild [Silver Server] - Recruiting ALL Players [International]
Hejazia replied to Kellsbelles's topic in Guilds
1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Hejazia 2. Number of hours played? 900+ 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Shroomish 4. What country are you from? USA 5. How old are you? At least 24 -
No ty, really looking for Timid nature for the set that I want to use. Being picky at the moment but it is what it is. Nature/Ability is non-negotiable.
Hejazia replied to Lebram31's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver