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Everything posted by Inustur

  1. start jellicent and mienshao
  2. wtb diggerspy and bold Confagrigus total 200k
  3. wtb shiny roselia
  4. IGN:Stur1225aa Discord: Stur1225aa#8078 server gold Cool Funny Ugly Try to cosplay my Pokemon XD
  5. wanna buy rotom adn 31 def h.a gible, 22 speed h.a fletching
  6. wanna start that scyther if u still want
  7. Really nice shop!
  8. Username:Stur1225aa Server:Gold Also thank you!
  9. Hi! We all know that Rotom-Frost only evovle at Snowpoint temple BF5 and its not avaible to access their, so my suggestion is moving the Frost evolutions location to different spot. For some player who want to collect as many pokes can improve their collection. Also i dont know if the Frost is coded, but im really looking forward... Its kinda weird when i have Mow Fan Heat & Wash without Frost Honestly, everyone prefer to use Rotom-Heat and Rotom-Wash since its useful for pvp But its fun to have all Rotom Forms right? Thanks for reading this! Also XD Rotom-Dex
  10. .
  11. Its end right? and when can we meet? my ingame: Stur1225aa
  12. start number 6 garchomp
  13. Hi guys! i just wanna buy some trash pokemon +Impish lvl 95+ umbreon sync:EeveeShy: +timid lvl 95+ espeon sync:EeveeShy: +calm,bold,relaxed or sassy muna (musharna) and elgyem (beheeyen) sync *** if u guys have lvl 100 pokes but wanna sell cheap... then leave a comment:GalladeDab:
  14. thanks and sorry! i just new user in here
  15. .
  16. My ingame: Stur1225aa Time Playing: 220+ hours Discord: Stur1225aa Hobbies: Training and Hunting Age: 18 Reason: Just want to join a guild, with friendly members and active... plus i love Gen3, so i'm looking forward to joining.
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