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Everything posted by Cocacolasniper

  1. Will be online tommorow ty
  2. Username: Cocacolasniper server: silver country/timezone: germany/GMT +2
  3. wtb the breelom for 330k
  4. wtb timid sync natu 100k by Babasti
  5. Hey im Cocacolasniper. As my cousin Youngstarmaxim already mentioned we want to apply for HolyDoof! ● What's your IGN? cocacolasniper ● How old are you? 23 ● Where are you from? Germany ● What's your total playtime? 1.694 ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? PvPing and hunting my own OT´s and shinys ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) Not yet, if someone needs help we will try our best tho. As you guys can see, HolySuidoof for president!!!
  6. Hey, im interested in Nidoking shiny. Is it still available?
  7. What the title says. Is it possible to move the pokemon back to my account? The guy´s ingame is 12122007. If it is leveled im ready to pay, that should be no problem. I only made one picture, maybe that helps. It was my exeggcute.
  8. 800k crawdaunt
  9. Pm me in discord: cocacolasniper
  10. buy Lopunny for 1.2m
  11. Auction is closed thanks to everyone, congrats to Sideeffect Sold it for 3.5m
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