6312 -
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Everything posted by Norex
start 800k
Use focus sashes
ferro 2.45m
Pretty much just do exca everyday, theres nothing else to it
13k something
hey, you need 10k points to enter
I found Riolu yesterday and today. Also there is no Turtwig but Ferroseed (also encountered last couple days + today) at Natural Site
Hey, nice shop and good luck selling your stuff. I start Ferrothorn 1m.
Hey, thank you for the kind words and good luck for Alomomola :)
Oh, thats awsome.. thanks for letting everybody know, added it
Thank you :) added, thank you
all added, thank you
added, thank you
Yes I am pretty sure, it was also there before the changes
thank you, I will add it
We dont know for sure, but seems like noone has found them yet... Draconic Site is in Route 113 and needs 10.000 discoveries.
thank you, added them
thank you, added them
Thank you, I added them to the list
[spoiler=Natural Site]POKEMON Combee Burmy Venipede Karrablast Ferroseed Budew Shroomish Tangela ITEMS Big Mushroom Revival Herb Heal Powder Energy Powder [spoiler=Historical Site]POKEMON Heracross Phanpy Riolu Croagunk Hawlucha Scraggy Machop Baltoy ITEMS Nugget Revival Herb Heal Powder Energy Powder [spoiler=Feral Site]POKEMON Pawniard Absol Deino Darumaka Torkoal Growlithe Vulpix Cubone ITEMS Rare Bone Revival Herb Heal Powder Energy Powder [spoiler=Haunted Site]POKEMON Sableye Honedge Rotom Yamask Duskull Gastly Shuppet Misdreavus ITEMS Tiny Mushroom Energy Powder Heal Powder (not found, but probably there) Revival Herb (not found, but probably there) [spoiler=Mineral Site]POKEMON Larvitar Beldum Drilbur Aron Bronzor Solrock Lunatone Onix ITEMS Stardust Revival Herb Heal Powder Energy Powder [spoiler=Glacial Site]POKEMON Sneasel Corphish Mantyke Shellder Piplup Swinub Snorunt Bergmite ITEMS Pearl Heal Powder Energy Powder Revival Herb (not found, but probably there) [spoiler=Wondrous Site]POKEMON Porygon Flabebe Clefairy Spoink Klefki Sigilyph Snubbull Marill ITEMS Star Piece Revival Herb Heal Powder Energy Powder [spoiler=Briny Site]POKEMON Alolomola Carvanha Clamperl Buizel Slowpoke Shellos Mudkip Feebas ITEMS Pearl Energy Powder Energy Powder Revival Herb (not found, but probably there) [spoiler=Draconic Site]POKEMON Dratini Gible Skrelp Trapinch Horsea Rhyhorn Goomy Noibat ITEMS Big Nugget Heal Powder Energy Powder (not found, but probably there) Revival Herb (not found, but probably there) If someone is interested in the full data used (with fossils found and excavation ranks...) here is a full list: (items and pokemon are only listed once even they my have been found more than once)[spoiler=Data] 4000+ discoveries Natural Combee Heal Powder Burmy Big Mushroom Budew Shroomish Historical Scraggy Heal Powder Machop Revival Herb Chimchar Nugget Phanpy Heracross Feral Darumaka Heal Powder Pawniard Energy Powder Growlith Revival Herb Torkoal Vulpix Cubone Haunted Yamask Tiny Mushroom Misdreavus Duskull Shuppet Gastly Drifloon Wondorus Clefairy Heal Powder Spoink Porygon Snubbull Marill Cottonee Mineral Bronzor Revival Herb Lunatone Heal Powder Onix Stardust Baltoy Glacial Snorunt Energy Powder Sneasel Pearl Swinub Shellder Piplup 3500+ discoveries Natural Combee Big Mushroom Burmy Revival Herb Tangela Budew Historical Baltoy Energy Powder Machop Heal Powder Phanpy Nugget Heracross Feral Site Growhlite Heal Powder Cubone Torkoal Vulpix Absol Haunted Site Shuppet Tiny Mushroom Sableye Rotom FLED Misdreavus Gastly Duskull Mineral Site Onix Stardust Beldum Heal Powder Bronzor Energy Powder Solrock Beldum FLED Wondrous Site Snubbull Heal Powder Marill Star Piece Flabebe Spoink Glacial Swinub Heal Powder Shellder Pearl Mantyke Snorunt Bergmite 2500+ discoveries Natural Combee Energy Powder Tangela Heal Powder Jaw Fossil SMASHED Shroomish Burmy Historical Phanpy Nugget Machop Heracross Meditie Baltoy Feral Vulpix Rare Bone Torkoal Cubone Growlithe Absol Haunted Sableye Tiny Mushroom Shuppet Gastly Rotom FLED Duskull Misdreavus Mineral Bronzor Energy Powder Lunatone Stardust Solrock Skull Fossil BROKEN Glacial Snorunt Heal Powder Shellder Pearl Swinub Energy Powder Mantyke 10000+ discoveries Briny Buizel Energy Powder Clamperl Heal Powder Slowpoke Carvanha Lunatone Natural Combee Revival Herb Budew Energy Powder Ferroseed Heal Powder Tangela Big Mushroom Shroomish Historical Heracross Energy Powder Machop Nugget Baltoy Phanpy Feral Torkoal Heal Powder Growlithe Revival Herb Darumaka Claw Fossil Vulpix Energy Powder Cubone Deino Haunted Gastly Jaw Fossil Shuppet Tiny Mushroom Duskull Energy Powder Sableye Claw Fossil Rotom Honedge Misdreavus Yamask Mineral Onix Stardust Bronzor Solrock Lunatone Aron Larvitar Wondrous Site Spoink Star Piece Clefairy Energy Powder Snubbull Marill Flabebe Draconic Site Rhyhorn Heal Powder Dratini Horsea Trapinch Skrelp Glacial Snorunt Pearl Mantyke Swinub Bergmite Shellder Corphish
resolved Did not encounter Genesect even summited 140+ iv pokemon
Norex replied to Deltachass's topic in General Support
244 Points are not 244 IV -
[Silver|Gold] Coin/Coin items giveaway #3
Norex replied to Prehax's topic in Unofficial Tournaments and Events
Username: Norex Server: Gold -
Currently, our applications our live!. Who are we? We are a PvP Guild that aspires to help newer players with an interest in PvP to learn and create a social environment that will have players more than happy to come online, have a chat or two with guildies, and create a genuinely friendly player base. A big thing that we have noticed with bigger PvP guilds is that their chats are usually quiet, and this is the biggest thing we want to avoid. To keep our mentality away from that, our motto is: "We are a guild good at pvp, not a pvp guild." What are the benefits? You will be able to participate in our guild-exclusive events, such as Hunting or Tourney events, be able to buy items and Pokemon exclusive to the guild, and enjoy a welcoming, willing-to-help community of players! Requirements - 200 Hours - Sinnoh Completed - An interest in PvP - Discord (For Event Participation) - Must know English (For ease of communication with all members) - Must be 16+ years old After posting your Application, you may expect an answer within 24 hours. Please Fill out this form in your post; One of the Officers or Leaders will add you on Discord This prompt may also be filled out on #recruited channel in our discord! Ascension Discord! Please put your answers below each respective question. What is your IGN? What is your discord? Tell us a little about yourself. How many hours do you currently have? Do you know any existing members? Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)? What are your expectations for this guild? What You are looking for from the guild? What other games do you play online? What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you? In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild. If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use (Ex. HO, Balance, Stall, Weather, etc)?
- 465 replies
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