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Everything posted by Caprifame

  1. Bump!
  2. Bump ~
  3. -1 Exp. Boost is a good item for story and leveling to 50-60. The bonus exp is also helpfull here. From that point I like to use the trainer tower. I see no reason to buff the tower further as its already rewarding a lot of exp for the fights.
  4. Please make a post here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/221-2fa-email-recover-assistance/ And wait for an admin to help you. There is a lot of open issues in this forum so you will have to wait for some time sadly.
  5. Map: Hoenn Safari Area 2 Metang repel was removed for a Beldum repel. The goal of the spawn rework was to remove self harming moves, why was Metang exchanged to Beldum? I would appreciated if the Metang repel comes back so it is possible to hunt the line without it suiciding.
  6. Hello PRO, I have already suggested this on discord during the easter event, but didnt make a post here due to it not being super necessary (would only find use for ev'ing the little cup team in breezy falls). However, with the implementation of the trainer tower, this is now a lot more useable. I would like the refer to this great Strategie: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/219619-trainer-tower-quick-upgrade-method/ by @Leeluckya . A held item that would prevent a Pokémon from gaining exp or leveling (whatever is easier to do) would help this strategie a lot, if you dont need to mega. So my suggestion is to add an item to the game that stops a Pokémon from gaining exp. It can be used for leveling in the tower, little cup, and other content with a level restriction (ev training before Heatran quest for example). Let me know what you all think, and what the Items name could be! If we give the staff a cool creative name and design they might be more likely to implement it. Cheers Capri
  7. I agree, I hope we can have the bubbles more visible
  8. So, will there be a giveaway?
  9. Hey, I would like the report that the Machamp from the Boss Chuck has Dynamic Punch twice in its Moveset sometimes. This happens on Hard Mode and not every time. I have drained all of Machamps PP and made it struggle to prove it is bugged. Machamp has used during this fight Heavy Slam 10x (10PP move) Stone Edge 5x (5PP move) Dynamic Punch 10x (5PP move) Then struggled vs my Kingdra. I have recorded the battle log if you would like to check yourself here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToHRbHuvHWo Have a good day, CapriFame
  10. Hello PRO, Imo there is an issue with repeateable NPC, like for example the Little Cup Elite 4 or the Bosses. The cooldown of the LC is 24hours, if I would want to do them during my lunch break every day I would start at 12am, beat them. The next day I would naturally have to start a bit later than 12 (its simply impossible to keep the timing), therefore it delay the whole fights, every mistake during the fights delays the whole fight for every day to come. So while I started doing them at 12 at the beginning of the event, I am now doing them at 14.30, as they slowly get pushed back in my daily routine due to the cooldown being 24h. Imo this defeats the purpose of integrating daily quests into your day when they keep "moving up" your shedule, I would like to do my little cup at 12am every day, and I would like to do my bosses friday at 6pm every 2 weeks. If the cooldown would be a bit shorter, maybe 23h instead of 24h it would be possible to have the fights in my daily shedules, even half an hour can help. It would also fix that one mistake during a fight delays you forever as long as you want to do them on cooldown. Imo cutting one hour off the cd wont bring any profits to players, if you can do them on CD consistently it would mean 1 extra round in 24 days, which I think is quite unlikely to happen. Let me know what you think about this. Cheers Capri
  11. I like the idea, but I would suggest to limit the annoucement to the Guild chat, or have a setting to choose who gets notified (all, guild, friends, none) When I post some forms or shinies I almost instantly get dms with terrible offers, new players without experience might get scammed really hard and miss out on millions. For me its very important that the setting is either turned "off" for everyone, or turned to "friends" or "guild" before "all". I dont want new players who didnt activate this to run into this trap. I am voting no for now, but with necessary improvement and privacy settings its a yes from me aswell.
  12. Bump
  13. Bump
  14. Bump
  15. Hey, I have sent you a DM, please check and add me on discord. Hello, I have added you on discord, please accept me and I will add you. Bump. :3
  16. Bump! We are looking for more active members who love PVE content
  17. Hello, Amnesia has no TM or Tutor, you can only learn it by Level up, Move relearner or via the Daycare (Breeding). Check here which Pokemon learns the move: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Amnesia_(move) Please keep in mind PRO follows Gen7, Ultrasun, Ultramoon learnset.
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