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Everything posted by Rajkkapadia

  1. Rajkkapadia rajkk 23 1216 hrs 9/10 yes yes i know about PS but dont play on that Lucario Lucario
  2. what are the rewards you get for top 25 in pvp?
  3. hi my game is stuck can u just transport me to a pc or somethng?
  4. hi i have completed the legendry dogs quest. however i have never beaten enti gaurdian. so is there a posssibility to get enti or do i have to beat him 3 times in a row even to get it from world quest??
  5. How can I make my yanmega learn baton pass?
  6. i have caught 50 fennekin 30 larvitar and 12 chespins still no halo..... i thought it was 1/50 . last time also i had caught 100 larvesta and dint find any. what is wrong with the game
  7. I have downloaded pro on my iPhone and its in my iCloud .. anyway to unzip it?can I play it on my iPhone??
  8. is there a way to catch heatran in a master ball? during the quest
  9. Okay ty
  10. i cant break the shiny rock in the haunted excavation site with a pick axe?? how do i break it
  11. How to make Venusaur learn weather ball
  12. What r the requirements to catch the legendary birds
  13. I want my feraligator to learn liquidation. How to make it learn liquidation?
  14. The officer I have to talk to be4 gng out is not present. Can't get out
  15. I downloaded the new halloween version but I can't log in. Is the server not working or is it some other problem?
  16. I am not being able to make my mamoswine and weavile learn icicle crash. Is it a bug or not? Which poke can learn those moves??
  17. Does macho brace permanently reduce the speed or only when it's worn??? Will the speed return to normal once it's removed??
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