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About Saurav77

  • Birthday 10/23/2001

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  1. I lend my 3 pokemon to someone for 1day but it been more than 1 they hasn't come back. I don't have that person ign because it was a lend so i thought it wasn't necessary to note his name coz lend pokemon should auto comeback. So i don't have his name to ask them manually. He asked for 3 lv 100 fire type pokemon so i give volcarona and 2 charizards for 10kea for a day. Total 30k I collect the id of the pokemons from pictures i send before in discord. I think they are correct Volcarona - i.d 33933402 2 Charizard - i.d 39351984 i.d (don't know i think it was jolly 31/29)
  2. Ign - saurav77 Server - gold I have met all the requirements for the quest but still can't progress to next step
  3. Ya i m goimg to be ricc now
  4. Nice being raiders
  5. I trade a genger with someone one and I didn't get the money and he is not sure if his money minus or not.He get the genger but i didn't get the money.he is willing to pay me the money if it hasn't minus from him so i just want to check that Server - gold Seller ign- saurav77 Buyer ign- aadishx Pokemon id in the picture below
  6. Price - 350k
  7. Look at the picture below. I want to suggest that we should able to customize tabs as per our wish. We might have 800+ poke so its very difficult/frustrating task to find a whole set or poke like some time we need syncs, false swiper, selling poke etc. So if we can customize tab and rename it like (sync tab) then we can put all syncs poke there, like if we r selling some poke we can put them in (selling tab)so it will be easier to find, and for PVP/Bosses we need a set team so if is annoying to search one by one to solve this we can create (boss/pvp tab) so we can just find out our whole set team quicker. It doesn't change any thing but it will make things easier. Quality of life will increase. And sorry for bad english
  8. Pls tell the price of this
  9. In game name - saurav77
  10. In game name - saurav77 I m 18 I use discord I play whenever i m free
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