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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="Jinga"><s> </e></QUOTE> Nah u suk..</r>
  2. Topic can be closed, I bought the tailow for near insta.
  3. Re: JustLegend's shop. EPIC pokes in. [2nd wave][4 days till end] <t>Ayyyyyeee Suri (D) 600k milozikkz</t>
  4. Re: JustLegend's shop. EPIC pokes in. [2nd wave][4 days till end] <r>Hey ladies back off :P 550k on milotikzzzz. <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  5. Edit nvm.
  6. Welcome to pro m8.
  7. Welp, they always develop new clothes. I bet soon more clothes to come.
  8. But breeding decreases the fun in hunting/grinding the exact mon with required nature/ivs. I mean pick up 2 parents go make them breed and gg a new pokemon is formed with the ivs/nat u wanted. Where's the effort in hunting then? Welp directly, low game time and less chance of getting shiny from wild. As for me, why MMO's should not have breeding especially pokemon cuz, mmo refers to massive multiplayer online game.. which also depicts Many players = Many pokemons = Many kinda nature and ivs. The concept should be based upon that, as many players are playing there's a good chance of getting a certain pokemon with required nature/iv. Yep, thousands of players grinding for a perfect pokemon and later on they sell to a good buyer. While, on the other hand in breeding you get a pokemon with a easy method, which will directly result in 100's of Perfect pokemons in game. Soon, players will have good pokes.. everyone of them, the time spent on getting a pokemon will be low (game time), the chances of getting a shiny low too (cuz of a reliable method called BREEDING) = no more crazy hunts. Welp, good things are said to be sold at higher price < What if all of them are perfect? a decent price range. Breeding sure will make competitive but will result in building up too much money for some players. What u said was, Loosing parents after breeding? It's not a way out, how much time you think will it take to catch another good pokemon and breed it? Far as i see, each day there's a lot of Good iv pokemons in trade, ppl can buy them and breed for a much better one... Pokemon A and B breeds = New perfect poke C is formed = Both A and B will vanish... New D and E breeds = New F is formed = Both D and E will vanish. and this will continue till AAABBB infinite. This method might lower the number of breeded pokemons by 3/4th but still it ain't different than normal breeding. And i do not support breed. Thanks
  9. Re: Pokémon Tiers and PvP Trends [2016-1-17][Current] [uPDATED] <r><QUOTE author="Xerphos"><s> </e></QUOTE> Was thinkin same for Slak.<br/> About hippo, this thread is made upon Pokemon Usage in PRO currently, and it's pretty rare to see anyone using hippo tho its good in the weather elimination stuff. Maybe in future.<br/> Thanks :3</r>
  10. Re: Pokémon Tiers and PvP Trends [2016-1-17][Current] [uPDATED] <r><QUOTE author="Kaley"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks, and i made this thread with the consultation and opinions of other players too.</r>
  11. Suhuzen nab staph trollin >.> Go update ur award topic first.
  12. Looking for offers, post here
  13. Maybe after 7-10 decades?
  14. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>Thanks</t>
  15. 160k skar
  16. 120k for Avalugg
  17. Re: Pokémon Tiers and PvP Trends [2016-1-17][Current] <t>Update!<br/> New Sub-Headin:<br/> <br/> Threats - This means the pokemons that are currently a threat due to improved Moves/NewTM's/Egg Moves<br/> <br/> Threats:<br/> <br/> # Since there are no claused, it's been seen that some players using Vanniluxe,Lapras for Sheercold Purpose.<br/> # Wrap is bugged, if someone uses wrap on a poke and switches out, the rival poke still stays on field cant switch. (Meh, Bug abusers)<br/> # Sun Team, wasn't it easy to tank Ninetails with blissey? Not anymore.. Due to egg move Hypnosis Ninetails makes blisseyfalls asleep and then spam fireblast/flamethrower.<br/> # Rain team, with bellydrum Azumarill is Op against blissey, with Rain+ Azumarill's STAB+ Bellydrum it can kill anything, leaving some grass pokemons.</t>
  18. Yes, Yes and a yes Nice Suggestions Dae <3
  19. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="psylo"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks for the info mate.</r>
  20. Re: Pokémon Tiers and PvP Trends [2015-11-23][Currently] <t>Welp, gonna update it in 1 hour with battle stratergies and tips.<br/> Feel free to comment</t>
  21. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="Xaphiar"><s> </e></QUOTE> we are.</r>
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