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Everything posted by Bladermagician

  1. I'll be clear on this. Our forum has some rules, everyone has to respect those rules. Also, our forum has sections, everyone has to use said sections properly. A public post isnt the correct place for complaining and even if you have something to say about a player you MUST do it with respect. As I am talking with respect to you and as i will always do to everyone here. So let's please quit this drama here. I am not saying everyone has to be friendly but at least everyone has to pay respect. Not only to staff members but also to every player here. If possible, we should try to talk about Black MS and Repel Trick here and from now on. For any complain, use the right area please. We are simply expressing our opinions about someone who was able to change the repel trick, the topic at hand, the way he wanted it to be by actively lying about the amount of pokemon he saw in a time frame. It is very relevant to the conversation and should not be censored even though the way Gambi went about it was a bit harsh for a public forum.
  2. But it's not without grounds if a player lied about spawns before.
  3. Gambilicious has a point. If someone lied about how many pokemon they encountered as an attempt to change which pokemons were being caught with repel trick it is our duty to discredit them when they try to make an argument about black ms and repel trick.
  4. It is with a heavy heart that I have to say farewell to the game. I'm sure admins/staff will come in and tell you that I deserved the way I've been treated but I can assure you I have not. I have been made to look like I am someone who takes advantage of the game while I was simply farming hours for Sinnoh's legendary Heatran. I am not ok with the way I have been treated by the admins of this game and I can't bring myself to support a game who would deal with someone who has put so much effort into the game like this. I wish the best future for you all and I hope that the people who have treated me so poorly will be dealt with accordingly for the sake of the rest of the players.
  5. My Tangrowth used Sleep Powder and missed against No Guard Machamp
  6. if the move you use doesn't have a secondary effect you will still lose life orb recoil
  7. Dozens? More like hundreds or thousands
  8. Sad you would take this opportunity to take jabs at Daeon
  9. People still use excavation sites?
  10. That means banning Garchomp from pvp ranked (Yea, most players can't get an epic h.a rare) Although I know normal Garchomp in Sand team is too powerful, if not OP; I lost a few games because my Ice Beam missed a +2 Chomp. accuracy drops aren't "broken" either, you're banning them because they are uncompetitive. Sand Veil and Snow Cloak are in the same vein. Accuracy drops are not working correctly in the game which is why they are banned. They should just deactivate Sand Veil to keep Chomp users happy.
  11. You guys had your turn. Now sit down and be humble.
  12. Red hadn't been default for longer so stop your whining.
  13. ● Event: PVP ● Ingamename: Bladermagician ● Guild: Reborn
  14. Re: [RED] TOURNAMENT : Kanto Classic [OPEN 39/52] <t>Im in</t>
  15. It's a joke that an admin of this game has the nerve to come on to the forums and say they are disappointed in the guild scene. You guys have done nothing to incentivize players working and cooperating together. An extra 25% exp boost means absolutely NOTHING when you don't train your mons or you're endgamed and have nothing to train anymore. Like others have pointed out the burden lies with the Guild Leaders to provide all the prizes for hunts, pvp events etc. Sure events are great when you can get enough players actually interested in them (which most aren't) but then again you have to make the prizes so big to actually even get anyone interested. It's not like we've gotten any exclusive items cough Kagawa's Mask cough that are limited that we can use as prizes to get more players interested because, quite frankly, no one really cares about an event where first place is 1m + 1MS or something similar. I'm not exactly sure what this rant you started is even about to be honest. You wonder why Guild Leaders are disconnected from their members and maybe it's because they are disconnected from the game? Have you even paid attention to how many leaders of guilds have stepped down. It happens over and over and over again. You expect Guild Leaders to "upkeep" with their members and duties but at the same time you guys always use the excuse that things aren't getting implemented in the game because "staffs are just people who do this in their free time". Let me educate you why Guild Leaders are disconnected from the game and the answer is because Staffers are disconnected from the PRO community. The only staff I've seen truly connecting to the community recently has been Arnie but the rest of you have no idea what the community wants or needs. Coming out with this thread ranting about how guilds are being ran and then telling us to ask you for help is laughable. You guys haven't done anything to promote guild interaction.
  16. #ISupportWalrosskastanieAndCames
  17. Now we just need hidden power's base power to be set to 60 and work with technician and we're Gucci
  18. My Qwilfish can't learn Explosion from the tutor at the Mineral Site
  19. Why are you still going on about this? It was a hypothetical situation not for you to elaborate on. I'm very aware of the differences in playing multiple accounts.
  20. So you having a better win loss ratio allows you to be able to determine who is worthy of the ladder? Let me ask you something. If you could have as many alts as you want hell let's say 1000 alts just for the giggles, if you took up 25 of the 25 spots for the ladder do you think that would be fair? Ladder would look something like this idkup idkuptwo idkupthree idkupfour idkupfive idkupsix idkupseven idkupeight idkupnine idkupten idkupeleven idkuptwelve idkupthirteen idkupfourteen idkupfifteen idkupsixteen idkupseventeen idkupeighteen idkupnineteen idkuptwenty idkuptwentyone idkuptwentytwo idkuptwentytree idkuptwentyfour idkuptwentyfive How does that look to you? This isn't about who is deserving this is about THE TOP 25 PLAYERS not the top 25 idkups First off revo had a better w/l than i did this season Second off i don't have the time to ladder on 25 accounts. I have the time to ladder on 3. Also you are only allowed 4 accounts per person. It is BECAUSE I CAN GET THREE ACCOUNTS ON LADDER IN THE TIME IT TAKES SOMEONE ELSE TO GET ONE that I can hold multiple positions in top 25. It's a shame that you're missing the point on every single post I make. I think Revo should be judge here because clearly he deserves to be on the ladder more than you.
  21. Maybe you didn't quite understand my question. What makes you the judge of who is worthy of the ladder? Just because you have a 5:1 w/l ratio? I respect those people who put in 300 games a season and claw their way to the ladder because they did what it takes to make it there. You just logged in and played a few games and logged off. I could care less about people like you. Maybe because I'm better at teambuilding and battling and can ladder more efficiently than they can. W/L doesn't come out of thin air. So you having a better win loss ratio allows you to be able to determine who is worthy of the ladder? Let me ask you something. If you could have as many alts as you want hell let's say 1000 alts just for the giggles, if you took up 25 of the 25 spots for the ladder do you think that would be fair? Ladder would look something like this idkup idkuptwo idkupthree idkupfour idkupfive idkupsix idkupseven idkupeight idkupnine idkupten idkupeleven idkuptwelve idkupthirteen idkupfourteen idkupfifteen idkupsixteen idkupseventeen idkupeighteen idkupnineteen idkuptwenty idkuptwentyone idkuptwentytwo idkuptwentytree idkuptwentyfour idkuptwentyfive How does that look to you? This isn't about who is deserving this is about THE TOP 25 PLAYERS not the top 25 idkups
  22. You're already on the ladder. Why is it up to you to determine who is worthy of a ladder spot or not? I can knock people off even if I don't hit top 25. Kupthree knocked off at least one person when I attempted a last minute rush (I failed btw). Not my fault they lose to me. Maybe you didn't quite understand my question. What makes you the judge of who is worthy of the ladder? Just because you have a 5:1 w/l ratio? I respect those people who put in 300 games a season and claw their way to the ladder because they did what it takes to make it there. You just logged in and played a few games and logged off. I could care less about people like you.
  23. My w/l is 5+:1. Theirs is hardly 2:1. Tell me how it's fair that they even get a spot on ladder. Also, kuptwo started at the beginning of the season. You're already on the ladder. Why is it up to you to determine who is worthy of a ladder spot or not?
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