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Everything posted by Contrary

  1. Great to see your issue got solved. I will close this thread now, since I can't assist here anymore. Kind regards, Contrary
  2. Hello, I am sorry for the inconvenience. Indeed like @Norex said, the amount of IV's aren't the same amount of points you get in the Bug Catching Contest. I am glad the issue got solved and you are aware of the made mistake. I wish you good fortune in your future Bug catching contest tries and hope you catch Genesect soon! Since the question seems answered, I will close this thread. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  3. Hey there, I recovered your Lanturn. Look in your storage for it. Can you confirm to me that you got it? Looking forward to hear from you. Kind regards, Contrary
  4. Hello, Your idea is totally fine and sounds nice. I wish you good luck with it and a lot of fun! Since you got your answer, I will close this thread now. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  5. Hello @phamhoanganh14, Indeed like @Alixx7 told you Umbreon relearns the move Charm at the daycare. Before you can visit the daycare you need to complete the Egg move quest. Since the issue is solved I am going to close this thread, Good luck with your progress. Kind regards, Contrary
  6. Hey @Poplasen, We have the area Quest Walkthrough on the forums where you can check for a walkthrough of all the main/side quests in the game. We don't have a specific place or thread for only johto quests on the forum, but I am sure you can find what you need here and if not, just ask here in General Support! I hope this answered your question. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  7. Hey there, Your idea sounds really nice and fun, but could you elaborate a little more about 'using the map design/layout of PRO'. Do you expect us to deliver you any maps or any content or are you just gonna make it all yourself in Minecraft? Looking forward to hear from you. Kind regards, Contrary
  8. Hello @Shinichan, Great to see you found out where your rare candies and master balls are! Thanks to @Alixx7 for the help! I will now close this thread since the user doesn't need to be assisted anymore. Have a good day both! Kind regards, Contrary
  9. Done, we reset the story progress on the Silver server. Have fun with it! Since the issue is solved, I will close this thread. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  10. Hello @josep2001, You can evolve your Magby when it is level 30 to Magmar. You can evolve Magmar to Magmortar by holding a Magmarizer and trading it with a user. You can try and buy a Magmarizer if you don't have one in Tradechat. Or you can get it in the Slowpoke Well by using Dig. I hope this helped you! Have a good day. Kind regards, Contrary
  11. Hello @josephtsol, I am sorry for the inconvenience that has been caused. Like Popinsmoke said above, this is not the right place to post this. You can report players in the Report Center. Make sure to read How to Report before reporting, so you do it right and staff can effectively take action against the offender. Since I can't assist you here anymore, I will close the thread. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  12. Hello @Exalone, Indeed the new evolution place for Glaceon is low tide rooms or route 217. Did your Eevee evolve into a Glaceon in the meanwhile? Looking forward to hear from you. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  13. Hey there @iiicuteiii. I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. Could you please try the following: Let your Sliggoo faint in a wild battle and afterwards heal it at a Pokecenter. Then level it and it should evolve to a Goodra. Let me know if it worked or not. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  14. Hello @TheSSOMBRA, Great to so you were capable of fixing your issue, I am going to close this thread now, since I can't assist here anymore. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  15. Hello @badcats, I'm sorry for the inconvenience experienced. Unfortunately you may have been a part of a server wipe that happened in the past. Your account would’ve been wiped if it was inactive for a year and had less than 10 hours on it (yours had 2 hours). This was done to stabilize the server due to numerous crashes. Since the account was wiped, we aren't able to retrieve your data. In this case, we are able to offer you an account reset. Are you interested in taking this offer? You will keep your 120 coins ofcourse. Looking forward to your reply and have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  16. Great to see your issue got solved! Locking this thread now since I can't assist you anymore. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  17. Welcome back Duck!
  18. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online!
  19. Hello @BigDev, I am not sure if you tried deleting and redownloading the client yet? If you didn't, please try. Sometimes this fixes some issues. Delete all files and the client and download the new one from HERE. Notify me if it worked or it didn't. Looking forward to hear from you. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  20. You're welcome! I will close this thread now since I can't assist you anymore. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  21. Hello @Abraisback, This is clearly not a place where you will find answers about this certain question. You did right by posting it in the Discipline appeal. Now wait for a staff to answer it. Please have some patience since staff members are volunteers and work in their own free time. You are allowed to bump your post every 24 hours. Will close this thead since I can't assist you anymore. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  22. Hey @BigDev, I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. In what region are you trying to surf? You need the following badges in regions if you want to surf there: Kanto: Soul Badge (Fuchsia) Johto: Fog Badge (Ecruteak) Hoenn: Balance Badge (Petalburg) Sinnoh: Fen Badge (Pastoria) So please notify me where are you trying to surf. If you have 16 badges, but you are trying to surf in Hoenn, you can't yet. Looking forward to hear from you. Kind regards, Contrary
  23. Great to hear! I will close the thread now since your issue is solved. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  24. Hello @JoDSN, According to our tools you have the Togekiss in your storage (check box 6). Let me know if you can't find it, so I can have another look into it. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  25. Hi @nico360, I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. Could you try to let the Darumaka faint in battle and after that heal it in the Pokecenter. Once you did this level it up. This should work. Let me know if it worked or not. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
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