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Everything posted by Contrary

  1. Hello @Ivanlres1588. I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. I would like to inform you that recently PRO staff didn't give any mini ms medaillion's away. In the past we gave these (mini ms medellion's) 2 times to the whole playerbase as a form of refund for some server issues we were experiencing. I think that the account of your friend was registered back then, so it explains why het got the mini ms medaillon's. If this is not right and his account is as fresh as yours could you please inform me and tell his username? So I can look up what the issue is and solve it. I wish you a good day. Kind regards, Contrary
  2. Hello @linkaros, I am sorry for the inconvenience. Indeed wide lens boosts your accuracy with 10%. Play rough has 90% accuracy, so with a wide lens the accuracy becomes 99%. It should still be able to miss your play rough. Missing it several times out of the 20 has just do to with bad rng I think. Anyways, I will pass it to the developers, so they can have a look into it. The pc works for me and the other users. Make sure to try it again and if it doesn't work, notifiy me what doesn't work; you can't open the storage, you can't trade pokemon with your party etc. I hope this helped and I am looking forward to hear your reply I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  3. Hello @zereftheemperor, I am sorry for the inconvenience. I would like to inform you that you are trying to log-in in a old client, that won't work. Please download the latest client update from HERE. This should solve your issue, let me know if it workied. \ I wish you a good day! Kind regards. Contrary
  4. Hello @mourlos, I would like to inform you that the Froakie is restored. If you would like the staff to restore any of your other Pokemon, please make sure to use the Restore Pokemon Megathread. I will now proceed to close this thread as the issue is solved. I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  5. . Hello @dionisisdan, I am sorry for the inconvenience. Please keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. Also, please note that the world quest is still being tested and improved upon to fix these issues. At the moment the worldquest isn't stable, because t is impossible to test it with 100 hundreds of players participating in it. The quest got bugged for everyone in silver, you weren't the only one. Crashing out a world quest 2 times in a row is really unlucky and I really understand why you are upset now, I can't apologise enough. I know how annoying it can be, we're players too so we do understand the annoyanc when this happens as, we've been in the same position ourselves. I am so sorry this happened to you, however, there's nothing we can do for people who have experienced it at the moment. I hope for your understanding and wish you a good day. Kind regards, Contrary
  6. Hello @savage7, I am sorry for the inconvenience. I can't make up if your progress rolled back, because of the server crash. Unfortunately if it did, it is impossible for us to restore your lost progress. This due to players who accepted their loss in the past, it would be unfair to refund it now because we didn't refund them aswell. I agree that the server causes some issues at times, but I can guarantee you this is reduced the last week and will reduce more in the future. Developers are already working on solving these server issues, but unfortunately it is not really easy and it can take up some time before they are solved. I hope I informed you well on the matter. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  7. Hello, What Pokemon are you refering to and do you remember where you caught them? There was a problem with the Pokemon in route 104, if you caught them you couldn't store them. Is that the route you caught your Pokemon? Looking forward to your reply. Kind regards, Contrary
  8. Hello, How did you return to eart? Did you find Rayquaza and did he bring you or did you do it in another way? Also, could you please try and go visit Jackson in Sky Pillar, just like Steven told you. This might solve the problem for you. Looking forward to your reply. Kind regards, Contrary
  9. Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online! ^.^ We do have some Canadian players, up to you to find them! :p
  10. Hello and welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online :^)
  11. Hello @luonghoanglong, I am sorry for the inconvenience. I would like to inform you that Rayquaza should be there. Are you sure you are looking good enough? He is in Moon B1F. This is the place of where you should see him in B1F. If you don't, please take a screenshot so I know for sure that he isn't there and I can proceed helping you, Looking forward to your reply. Kind regards, Contrary
  12. You're welcome! I will now close this thread as the issue seems solved. If you have any other question, please don't hesitate to ask here on the forums. Kind regards, Contrary
  13. Hello @Sumunaik670, I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. We had some server issues at the time of your post. I would like to inform you that the servers are stable at the moment and so it should be for you aswell. Please notify me if this isn't the case, so I can proceed helping. To stay up-to-date about the server, please join PRO Discord. Maintenance and server issues get announced here. I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  14. Hello @Lynielzak, I am sorry for the inconvenience. The silver server had some issues and was in maintenance afterwards. I would like to inform you that the server is back up at the moment and it should be stable. Also, the 'user alreaddy logged in' should be fixed. Please notify me if you still can't login, so I can proceed helping. I wish you a good day. Kind regards, Contrary
  15. Hello @TheOdd0ne, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I would like to inform you that the issue that you have experienced is a glitch on server-side. This usually happen when the server lag or when the server is experiencing issues. To fix that you just have to close your client, wait 5-10 minutes and then try to log again into the game and the problem should be fixed. I hope the information given provided some clarification, please let me know if you have any further questions. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  16. Hello @Erdbube, I would like to inform you that everyone has a different definition of the word epic in regards of Pokemon. For one it means 20+ IV's as for the other it can mean 25+ on all IV's. How closer the IV's are to the maximum (31), how closer it gets to be called 'epic' (if they have the right nature/ability ofcourse). Most PRO players use the Smogon Pokedex to find out about the desired nature and ability for a Pokemon. I hope this answers your question. I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  17. Hello, I have replied you on the other thread you made, make sure to read it. Also, please don't make multiple threads asking the same stuff, making multiple thread won't make staff answer you faster. Staff members are volunteers and therefore they act in their own free time, have patience when you aren't answered immediatly. Once you made a thread you are allowed to bump it every 24 hours. I will proceed to close this thread now, have a good day. Kind regards, Contrary
  18. Hello @ankitbad, I am sorry for the inconvenience. Here in the General support nobody is going to answer why you are banned. If you want to find out why you are banned or you feel like it is unjust, you should appeal. You can do that in the Discipline appeals. I wish you good luck with your appeal and have a nice day! Kind regards, Contrary
  19. Hello @Korrah, I am sorry for the inconvenience. Did you try restarting the client? This might solve the issue. If not could you please follow the next procedure and see if it fixes the bug: - Delete all the PRO Files that you have (.zip and remaining files too). - Restart your computer/device - Download again the game from HERE I am looking forward to hear from you, let me know if it worked. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  20. Hello @PETTROL, I am sorry for the inconvenience. Here in the General support nobody is going to answer why you are banned. If you want to find out why you are banned, you should appeal. You can do that in the Discipline appeals. I wish you good luck with your appeal and a nice day! Kind regards, Contrary
  21. Hello @Staychopped907, Yes, staff members helping the community with trade evolutions is still possible. You can request the trade evolution help HERE. Make sure to give the required information for a trade evolution, so a staff member can help you as soon as possible. I hope this was the answer you were looking for. I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  22. Hello @Lolisek123321 I am sorry for the inconvenience. I would like to inform you that the moves Conversion and Conversion 2 are not coded in PRO. That is the reason why you can't use them. Here is a list with all Broken or not coded moves and abilities in PRO. Currently the developers are working on a huge PvP revamp and they are planning to code all the moves and abilities correctly, including Conversion. There is no ETA on when it will be implemented, so please stay patient. I hope you can work with this information and I wish you a good day. Kind regards, Contrary
  23. Hello @Rektaur, Great to see you found out how you can proceed the journey! As the issue seems solved I will now close this thread. If you have any other question feel free to ask here in the General support! Kind regards, Contrary
  24. Hello @compra, I would like to inform you that the right place to buy a Pokemon (like you mentioned) is in Buying - Gold Server. Please head there if you want to buy Pokemons in the Gold server, as you won't find any here in the General support. I wish you good luck finding buying what you need. Kind regards, Contrary
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