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Everything posted by Isildurr2x

  1. Bump, 1 hour remain
  2. C.O 400k
  3. C.O 390k
  4. C.O 385k
  5. C.O 380k
  6. C.o 270k
  7. Pretty sure store owner quit the game
  8. Goias raised his bid to 260k
  9. C.O 250k
  10. C.O 100k
  11. C.O 74k
  12. CURRENT OFFER 69k by Yomawari
  13. Auction started Current offer 10k
  14. Start 5k Min bid 5k 24 hours from first bid Accept poke dollars, rc @6.5k
  15. I'll take illumise bro
  16. +1 This would be really awesome but at 100 coins like sword/shield accesory in the past
  17. No way lol well done seller
  18. Start 5k Min bid 5k 24 hours from first bid Accept poke dollars, rc @ 6.5k
  19. Okay, I will transfer in 20 minutes with my alt account. IGN - Alduiin
  20. Hi, you win. Let me know when you are available and which server
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