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Everything posted by Titaniaplayz

  1. Island isn't accessible for players at the moment but you can catch Xmas themed pokemons in wild. There will be an announcement whenever island is accessible to players.
  2. One of the special halloween form which can be caught only during HALLOWEEN event ( ENDED NOW ).
  3. Hello 2 CC 200k
  4. Welcome to PRO. Enjoy your stay here ^-^
  5. Hello , i can offer 1m
  6. You sure it's not your internet issue ?
  7. You can trade between those account. It's allowed.
  8. Both servers aren't counted. You can play with 4 accounts ( 8 Characters ).
  9. Thanks it's working now.
  10. 4.1m
  11. 3.5m
  12. 69k? If i can start
  13. 10 CC ( 3.5m ) + 4.5m + 1 IV RR + 1 Nature RR
  14. Sand stream or ha ?
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