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Everything posted by Titaniaplayz

  1. Hello @Miguel616 Have you logged out during battle in BCC?
  2. What's the price for that shiny ?
  3. He is right he showed me all then I suggested him to make a forum report page. He is so sad cuz of this. Too worried.
  4. B.U.M.P
  5. Add the date in which membership is going to end cuz many guys don't have discord. You may add it to dashboard or trainers card.
  6. Sometimes the famous players like belzebel , bhimoso got many PMs when they go online it doesn't take a moment and messages pop on in front of you. if there is a status through which any one can't message you but the friends which are in your friend list can message you easily and we can talk them.
  7. +1
  8. Insta added
  10. I offer 20k accept?
  11. But all don't have access to excavation. Dig spots are common and all aware of it.
  12. I was thinking to add dig spots to hoenn. Reason - No one goes hoenn after completing once there are some quests to go like excavation but many people don't do it. Dogs are common thing to do for all cuz we can do it after 1-2 badges. If we add dig spots to hoenn people will go there to dig in order to make money.
  13. Cancelled
  14. Jolly charmander I buy 70k
  15. Yeah thanks for your help;;
  16. Oh if I get this hint in northern section then there is 50% chance of getting treasure room. If I get same hint from anyone other then there is 100% chance? Or I need one more tier 2 hint in which the NPC say that treasure room is located in eastern section
  17. What would humanity be without its humans? > The hole with a human next to it. (Holes next to Todd, Miguel, Albert, Elias) I mean if we got this hint then how will I will get which hole I must dig in order to get treasure room ( hole near to Todd / Miguel / Albert or Elias )
  18. What do you mean by - north , west , human. Can ou explain point to point pls?
  19. I am doing sinnoh underground quest from 3 days. On 1st day I got the hint ( Climb up climb down ..... ) And I found treasure room with help of this Guide. Now in 2nd and 3rd day I got the hint ( what would be humanity be without humans ) and I used same guide to find treasure room ( it says near humans in underground ) when I dig near humans I always get out from underground. So is there is any way to know , which hole near to human I must use to find treasure room?
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