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Everything posted by Phanikumar

  1. Username: Phanikumar Server: Gold Country/Timezone: India GMT+5.5
  2. I think better to decrease those playtime coz there are many talented players below 400hrs playtime
  3. I think noone bidded on Ribombee other than me right And the auction completed?
  4. Soo cool shop with awesome Pokemons and the prices are too reasonable and they are low ofc and dizzy response fastly and we traded too fast and a good service bro. Thank you.
  5. Ohh ya sure. Thank you so much and good luck
  6. Hey want to rent minccino and dragonite
  7. Thank you so much for answering my questions and means I won't get any punishment from PRO if two persons played an account unless of someone hacking the account right.
  8. Hey please clarify me about following doubts: 1.We can't use more than 4 accounts you said but what happens if we do story service for many members? 2.How many members can login to one account means can two players play same account? 3.If one acc is in gold and other in silver and I am doing pvp in both accounts can I do pvp in one more account in any of the server so that it will be two in that server? Thank you hope I get a fast reply
  9. Hello there guys Contact ingame: Phanikumar Discord:JUST-F-TP(Phanikumar)#5060 Accepted payments: Any epic Pokemons Reroll ticket-800k Coincapsule-420k Rare candy-9k Money Start 300k min bid 20k insta 600k 24hrs auction after the first bid. Bid here or in discord!!
  10. And also I love it's op in pvp
  11. I love Easter volcarona coz larvesta is the Pokemon which we can catch mostly in Easter event actually.
  12. Hey can I know your exact discord id coz it's showing invalid for Tragi#7043
  13. Wtb 150k happiny.
  14. Wtb 250k lucario steadfast
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