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Everything posted by Laplase

  1. Yes, they can but if your infraction history is very severe and you have repeated the mistakes again and again you might get ban on sight or permanent ban again out of slight suspicion.
  2. Ya. Maximum account you can play on is 4 though, any more then that can result to punishment.
  3. Make sure, that after using mysterious candy it's happiness is maxed out and then use a rare candy to evolve it. If that also don't work, you can make a report in the bug report center.
  4. 4 years and still believe in the joke...
  5. I never understood how you keep getting into these kind of mess. Anyways, that's sad to hear. Cya
  6. Terrible english but +1
  7. You can transfer again within this month if you have 100coins
  8. Oh, yes i forgot i did 24 hr auction clefairy, where can I meet you
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