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Everything posted by Laplase

  1. #1 Jolly Gligar/evo #2 Blissey(calm preferred) #3 Prankstar Cottonee timid #4 Kommo-o Careful #6 Ada bisharp #7 Naive Greninja (protean) #8 Quiet Aegislash(preferred) other natutes with +sp att will also be accepted.
  2. #1 Jolly Gligar/evo #2 Blissey(calm preferred) #3 Prankstar Cottonee timid #4 Kommo-o Careful #6 Ada bisharp #7 Naive Greninja (protean) #8 Quiet Aegislash(preferred) other natutes with +sp att will also be accepted.
  3. Battle that zorark in dark forest then go back to castle
  4. Weavile
  5. Hey, i couldn't catch Darkrai, so i battled that zorark at dark valley, then got darkrai but I didn't get Halloween rapidash mount plz help.
  6. I already got an hp ground, one besides hp ice is useless, you have dragon pulse for dragon types & flame thrower for grass & ground & bug, hp ground better countets other ground types and fire types.
  7. Want to buy timid charmander 20+ speed 25+
  8. Want to buy charmander timid epic (20+), 25 or above speed.
  9. I mistakenly released my volcarona plz help me to get it back. There is the id.
  10. the above moves are for skarmory and it says it can learn tm u-turn but in game it can't? This is a ss of pro wiki site.
  11. Server: Gold Ingame name: Narutouzumaki12 Pokemon id/ screen shot : (Deleveling request) Its develed just now but eveb in rain it didn't evolve is ita bug? i used pelliper for rain. Pls evolve it. Or contact me Plz delevel it once more sorry for before :(
  12. now how much?
  13. Laplase

    Not fair.

    Oo didn't knew that
  14. Laplase

    Not fair.

    why pidgeot lvl 10 at ev training can outspeed litwick of speed 40?
  15. If i pay more than insta?
  16. Wow how many pokeballs u used on that norex?
  17. Can this Pokemon transferrred to gold server
  18. Why is it unseen?
  19. Oh
  20. I don't understand do u guys don't want this change?
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