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Everything posted by Darkin

  1. +1 This is gonna change the way the forum operates for the better!
  2. Nothing can be done to completely eradicate the spam on trade chat,so how about minimizing the chance for a spam to occur?For example on trade chat a user should be able to post once every 30-60 seconds. After all even the mods advice us to wait at the least 1minute before posting our trades again.
  3. Of course the staff deserves those pokes they got but using them in ranked pvp is unfair.In pvp it affects other players as well,even if they lose 99 out 100 battles they still have an advantage to other players. Edit:It seems i cannot vote.
  4. If this idea is still being considered hopefully it will change to 6vs6.
  5. All of those 3 you mentioned can handle clefable very well.........
  6. Squirtle is the best,charmander falls short compared to it and bulbasaur........well its bulbasaur.
  7. Regarding the matches,when its 20 of the month,does only those that are in round 1 battles?Or can those from round 2(who have opponents decided for them) battle as well?
  8. Yeah there also a bug(a visual one)that the icon shows rain is still active even if it has been replaced by sun(that goes for all weather conditions).
  9. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>I would like to register!<br/> Server:Yellow<br/> Timezone: GMT+2<br/> Trainer Card: <URL url="https://prnt.sc/dtd22y">https://prnt.sc/dtd22y</URL></r>
  10. So how does it smell like?
  11. What a touching story.
  12. So any idea which are the new fixes?
  13. Because it turns out stupidity is contagious after all.
  14. Should be allowed tho. But i understand your point, 2nd sentence of rule 5 is a bit weird in my opinion. Since your opponent can always switch to get rid of the accuracy reduction i dont see any problem in using such moves. Just DT and Minimize are trouble moves which...well....let the PvP environment getting a bit uncompetitive and more luck-based as pokemon already is. ;) Well you pretty much explained yourself why sand attack is banned as well,although i wonder about those 2 moves since effect spore is allowed despite having the chance to induce sleep.
  15. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> <r><QUOTE author="xrevolutionx94"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sure you have b.o (:<e> </e></QUOTE> So regarding skarmory,whats going on?</r>
  16. Using moves with secondary effect that have accuracy reduction like mud bomb/mirror shot are allowed or no?
  17. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> <t>300k skarmory</t>
  18. Same thing happened with another boss.https://vimeo.com/192161726
  19. I don't see the point of this post.Everybody wants updates but do you think that you making a post about it will make the update come faster?Or do you think they have no plans to update the game?Or do you think they are hiding the update from you?
  20. So i went to the boss checker and he said that all the boss in johto want to battle so i went to battle them,but once i talked to prof elm and sage boss and accepted their challenge they did not even battle me and it seems by their dialogue that they count this as a loss.https://vimeo.com/192007999
  21. 4/6 of my beldums were adamant so for me its fine.
  22. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow Only 24 Hours To Sign Up!!! <t>IGN:Darkin <br/> Also is it me or 5-6th place rewards are better than 4th place?</t>
  23. Not sure if this is a bug or not but just in case https://prntscr.com/cnvbcv when i stepped on this specific tile a riolu spawned(the reason i did not took a pic while i was battling the riolu is because i did not realise until the battle ended that there was no rock that i broke in front of me).
  24. https://prntscr.com/cah8gt that pokeball can be stepped on,route 119b https://prntscr.com/cah8q7 black line on desk https://prntscr.com/cah95g fortree city https://prntscr.com/cah9bo petalburg woods https://prntscr.com/cah9k9 fortree city https://prntscr.com/cah9su fortree city https://prntscr.com/cahabr route 121 https://prntscr.com/cahahl can step on sign https://prntscr.com/cahany random darker spot https://prntscr.com/cahati https://prntscr.com/cahaxw https://prntscr.com/cahb49 route 1 https://prntscr.com/cahb9i can step on house
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