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Everything posted by Maisa

  1. Hello @BigBertyBoi I'm sorry for the caused inconvenience. We've deleted your Charmander, which in turn, resets your variables allowing you to speak to Professor Oak, select a starter again, and receive the Pokedex. Please let me know if that worked for you. Looking forward to your reply.
  2. Hello @Bagadzilla You can teach your Keldeo the move Secret Sword by speaking to the move tutor, Sam Urai, at Matsuki Village. In order to reach Matsuki Village, you will need to take Aero Airlines located at the Resort Area in Sinnoh. Hopefully that helped you. Please let me know if you need further assistance. Have a lovely day!
  3. Hello @Sussy I'm glad to hear the issue was resolved. Since it has, I'll be locking the thread now. If anything similar happens in the future, or you need any further assistance, please let us know. Thank you for your patience and have a lovely day!
  4. Hi @Sussy I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please explain and give me more details of this issue, and what Pokemon disappear, possibly providing video evidence of it happening? Also, do you mean the Pokemon permanently disappear? Looking forward to your reply, have a nice day!
  5. Hi there @Arya08 Sorry for the inconvenience. The issue has been reported to the relevant party and it will be fixed soon. I'll let you know once you are able to exit the area. Have a nice day!
  6. Hello @Cobalt23 I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Do you happen to have the Magnifier active on Windows? If so, that might be the root of the issue. Looking forward to your reply.
  7. Hi there @utahraptcr Welcome back to PRO! Technically speaking, getting a Pokemon from the wild with 31 IVs in each stat would be impossible, since the chances for doing so will be astronomically high. You can check out the chances of finding a 31x6 Pokemon in the wild here. Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time here. If you run into any issues, feel free to create a post in General Support, and if you want to socialize with your fellow PRO players, you can join our Official PRO DIscord Server. Good luck and have fun!
  8. Hello @Ethershreck First and foremost, I'd like to welcome you back to PRO. I apologize you had to experience what you did 2 years ago. It was not the team's intention to make players lose their items. We had created a thread which can be found here, where players who did lose their items can make a post with their username and server, and would have their lost items restored. After checking and confirming with the Content Scripter team, we've found out that your items were indeed restored, however in order to receive the lost items, each player who made a request in the megathread had to speak to the Item Finder in Vermilion City, as was announced on our Official PRO Discord like so: It seems that you weren't informed of this information, and hence was not able to get your items back. I've forwarded this issue to the Content Scripter team, and they are currently remaking the NPC so only players who haven't received their lost items the first time can get them back. Once the NPC is done and ready, I will inform you asap. Hopefully this situation did not discourage you to partake in future events. If you do run into further problems, feel free to create a thread here, as we are always happy to help. With that, if there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know. Have a wonderful day!
  9. Maisa


    Hello @Limit I'm sorry for the inconvenience. To insert a HTML code, you will need to type it in the white box, as seen in the screenshot you've posted, and click "Insert into post." This will not publish the post, and instead you will be able to check and see how it looks in the thread. If that still did not work for you, can you please tell me specifically which HTML code you are trying to insert? Looking forward to your reply.
  10. Hi @Xytreh There is an extremely useful thread made by the user Ichibann that you can find here. He basically listed all the bosses and made a tier list based on their rewards, I'd definitely recommend that you check it out if you haven't already. I hope that helped you. Have a lovely day!
  11. Hi there @khaiduo I've recovered your Krookodile and it should now be in the last slot of your PC. In case this happens again in the future, please post a request in the Restore Pokemon Megathread. This thread will be locked now, as the issue has been solved. Feel free to create a new thread if you run into any further issues. Have a wonderful day!
  12. Hi @watisthis Sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please check once again to see if Charlie is in the house at Route 111 South, at the mountainous area South of the Old Lady's House at Route 111 North, or finally hidden under a tree South-East from the tower at Route 111 Desert, also providing screenshots while looking for Charlie. If you still cannot find Charlie, perhaps you've already traded with him and will need to find Rachel's next friend, Ketoprak, who can be found in either Route 124, Route 128, or Mt. Pyre. I hope this helps you. Please let me know if you were able to find them. Looking forward to your reply.
  13. Hi @ssccoott Glad to see the issue's been solved. Since it has, I'll be locking this thread now. Feel free to make a new one if you need further assistance. Thanks and have a lovely day!
  14. Hi there @ssccoott I'm sorry for the caused inconvenience. I've recovered your Blaziken and it should now be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please check and confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply.
  15. Hello @Abyssalrider, welcome to PRO! Here are some sub-forums that might be useful for you. Game Rules: The rules that include trading, and in-game chat can be found here. Make sure to give them a quick read before logging in. Player Zone: You can find anything from guilds, suggestions, and general game talk here. Trade Zone: Advertise, sell, and buy Pokemon or items here. Game guides: Find multiple guides here ranging from the story, to making money, to catching legendary Pokemon. Guilds: Check this page out if you're interested in discovering and joining a guild to meet new people. Finally, feel free to join our Official PRO Discord server to stay up-to-date with new updates, or just have a chill time with the community. So good luck and have fun!
  16. Hi there @Takanumi7 I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I have forwarded this to the relevant party and it will be looked at. Thank you for taking the time to report this bug. Have a great day!
  17. Hi there new, I'm Maisa, nice to meet you! : p Jokes aside, welcome to PRO. I hope you enjoy your time here.
  18. Hi @EvilProtagonist I'm glad to hear that you've gotten your Christmas form Eevee back. Since the issue has been solved, I'll be locking this thread now. Feel free to make a new one if any further issues arise. Thanks and have a lovely day!
  19. Hello @Gray10Fulbuster I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I've went ahead and deleted the second Suicune you've caught. You should now only have 1 Bold Suicune in your PC. Thank you for your honesty regarding the issue. If you need assistance with anything else, please create a new thread as I'll be locking this one. Have a lovely day!
  20. Hi there @EvilProtagonist It seems that your Christmas form Eevee was released. It has been recovered and should now be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply.
  21. Hi @BerkecanDede I'm sorry for the inconvenience as well as the delay. Unfortunately we cannot refund anything without evidence that you didn't get the Super Repels. However, if you provide information for us, we can attempt to reproduce this and find out what caused the issue. Some things like, did the server perhaps disconnect after or during the purchase, were there any specific steps you had done before the purchase, or any other small detail that you think might be important, will be valuable information. Looking forward to your reply.
  22. Hi @XarrOwZ I'm happy to see that the issue has been solved. Since it has, I'll be locking this thread now. If you have any further issues or any doubts, feel free to make a new one. Thanks for your patience and have a lovely day!
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