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Everything posted by Bash

  1. Bash


    Since there still no news about the reroll stuff I wanted to suggest stuff again You basically declined both already but it would be nice if you also could say why. Because we have rerolls now for at least 3 years and have still no solution for those problems. It makes me a little bit much mad that there is still no solution to that. The newest changes to the rerolls dont have the intention to fix the named problems. They increased the amount of rerolls for (rich) players. Problems with the current rerolls: Hidden Powers U want a 31 stat on some mons (mostly speed but also hp for Suicune e.g) One solution: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal rerolls. Current rerolls. Hidden Power rerolls. You set a hidden power and your reroll will apply them. We already have those rerolls where you can save 1 stat. There is no legend where you 'must' have a combination between a 31 stat and hidden power I think. We already have 4 types of rerolls, so it would not be a mess to add one more I suppose. There is not really a way to have a solutions for all problems with 1 reroll by changing the way the reroll works, because it will end up in to many rules or in 6x31 legends. If you want a 31 speed legend, you would use the normal rerolls till you have 31 speed and then the one where you can lock 1 stat. You just need to make those locked rerolls aviable. Only cancer Pokemon to reroll would be Thudurus I think if you want a hidden power and still want to outspeed 110 base speed mons. Other solution: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal rerolls. Those locked iv rerolls where you can lock 1 stat. You can decrease every stat of your legend by one, on a npc for example. The change is saved and you cant decrease a stat twice, but you can increase already decreased stats again. If you ever use a reroll those stuff is reset so you cant decrease all stats, reroll and increase all.
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  2. Was a really nice event :pogg: Thank you for doing it. And ofc silver won
  3. Ah sorry. Light Ball, yes. It doubles Pikachus atk and spatk stat which is huge, its not just a small stat boost. As physical attacker you should outperform Raichu pretty quickly, but ofc you can also evolve it if you really want. Non evolved Pokemon take more exp as well, which might have a positive effeect. Story mon - exactly. Once you have done the story, in the end game, you will feel the desire to have more effective Pokemon for bosses and other stuff At the end of the day stuff doenst matter to much for the story, as you should have fun and the story is doable with almost eveything. In regards of the "potential" of Pokemon, Pikachu may be the better evo with a Physical set.
  4. You'd need a electroball and play it as Pikachu and not as Raichu and then you have a decent story mon. Stat wise its epic
  5. I dislike it because you honestly have to spent almost no time to visit the bosses, its also not 100k like you said. You visit places you would usually not visit. Making all bosses at one place just simplifies the game without any big advantage. The advantage would be you dont have to use the fast travel anymore... wow I dont have any probelms to travel a bit for bosses. You say you have no time for such stuff but du a boss run in general? Meh. Weak argument imo
  6. If you have to I mean, how long do they not move? I can't believe people would not log-in for 2 weeks just to wait for a forced trade. And even when you have to froce trade those ppl on different servers, you can take a cc or 450k from their accounts (the highest possible price a cc costs atm + a bit extra e.g). It's sad when a very few people are the issue to make trades much worse for everyone. I dont believe that there is no relative simple way you can punish this abuser without making such clearly not relative simple rules. Please punsih the abusers and not the whole community if its possible. We gladly help you to find better rules. If this, what you explained, is the only way people abused the old trade rules, I dont understand why you can not enforce the above explained. And if this doesnt work for reasons you would explain, Im sure we find a other way. Let us be part of finding the solution.
  7. Yeah, those rules do tie up and struggle everything. Trading in pro is a burden and you need a master degree to follow them all. I agree with you that especially those rules you mentioned make no sense. What is missing is that we get a personal trade inspector for every trade we do, who checks everything we do and mutes us when we didnt say bye.
  8. I mean, the dig patches fill be fixed 'soon'. I'd predict, without any bad intentions, that this is also the reason why there is no comparison. Because it will be fixed 'soon'. So they dont spent any effort for any solutions for this amount of time.
  9. Deleting the 10 minute cd would be still nice. Its not like it would be kinda easy to boost in many other ways/find those boosters, no?
  10. Bash


    Please do not ban Zeskyr
  11. Common. i wont make 3 topics for some bugs reported in package x) But thanks for forwarding
  12. No no, I mean something else. In the water this bright thing left to my curser.
  13. I actually just want to reference my old topic because I think its not noticed because I wanted to test the "solution" option and cant take it away https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/175241-sinnoh-is-buggy/?tab=comments#comment-977469 ------------------------------------ This guy can make you stuck. I know you can relog but I guess its a matter of 'good' game design to not let that happen. Idk if this is a bug but this little bright thingy may be a mapping bug? idk
  14. ya, I found 3 ._.
  15. Limiting to one acc is probably a bit concering because you have to check how many users again? Where I agree tho is, that it was since day one obvious that high tier spawns should be removed. Nothing higher than 6 imo. At least remore thos tier 8 spawns.
  16. DAMN those mons. I want them all... I guess Im to late to get some likes, but let me flex my stuff Im from Silver What are better than normal Pokémon with insane stats? Legends with epic stats, especially when you dont use rerolls on them. This is a old screenshot, where Suicune could got Water Absorb as hidden ability - back then the days where there was neither Black MS nor IV or Nature rerolls. You know what that means Im not even sure if I rerolled the IV's here. I think I used 1 or 2 rerolls on it. insane 25+ on a legend and also the low ATK flex for less Foul Play damage. It may not seem to epic, but I wanted three legendaries for the triple flex + I didnt use a IV Reroll on Manaphy. It has HP fire which is very fun to play and over all very good stats except SPDEF
  17. Player name: Bash Server you are on: Silver Timezone (in GMT): +2
  18. That is already inside. I dont want to repeat it because I want to keep it as short as possibe. I added a reason you need the steel type for. Maybe that motivates people more.
  19. Which requirements?
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