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Everything posted by Bash

  1. Re: [PokeOne] Deutsche Gilde Neosphere ! (Reserviert euch einen Platz) <t>Hallo,<br/> <br/> mein Name ist Bash. Ich würde mich freuen wenn Ihr es in erwähnung ziehen würdet, uns beizutreten, in der wunderschönen Welt der Pokémon.<br/> <br/> Schöne Grüße. :---)</t>
  2. I said above my internet is fine but it seems like I did a mistake there. I seems like I have super small laggs which are resulting as a dc. Even a professional program wasnt clearly able to show the ping falls but indicate some unusual falls. Looks like the issue has nothing to do with PRO itself, sorry for that but thanks for the help tho.
  3. I'm looking forward for your answer; until then, I wish you a great day, and happy new year :Shy: Hey, first of all thanks for the answer. I still get random dc´s, a guild mate has the same issue since yesterday. He has done all steps too. He´s using a other internet provider thats why I ignored the last step to avoid long waiting times and sexy phone music xD If the chance is high that my provider is blocking the game I´ll contact my provider. Otherways, any other things I could try?
  4. Re: "Trading!" <r>No, I wont <EMOJI seq="1f440">:eyes:</EMOJI></r>
  5. Re: "Trading!" <t>Its cool, I swear its cool but still: Why? xD<br/> <br/> I think staff should focus on other things.</t>
  6. [glow=red]First of all: My internet connection is okay![/glow] Hello, as you can read in the topic description I have some random disconnects and sometime super long loading screens like I would insanely lagging but my connection is fine, I have a low ping, a constant connection and can do whatever I want, I have nowhere ping/internet problems. Those disconnects are totally random, sometimes I get them after 20 seconds, sometimes after 10 minutes but usually in this time room. The prozess of the disconnect itself is every time different too, sometimes Im ingame and see how everyone is not moving anymore and I can see how the chat stops and get a dc after a while and sometimes I get a instant dc. I tried following steps: Short version: This issue sucks. Any suggestions?
  7. If you have hp Fight ot FP fire I would suggest you Glaceon. Otherwise a Jolteon could be a option too, or a spatk Vaporeon :o But this two are more for fun. The best evo might be Glaceon. In my opinion of course.
  8. Tell me when you have one :Grin: Thx everyone! :D Have one, not great I think but its time to battle you and show you whos the boss :Cool:
  9. The exact number is 900, when you reach this number you cant obtain more Pokes by catching.
  10. Time to make a monotype team :thinking:
  11. Hey, I suggest you this guide for your thread. Step 6 should help for your picture fail at the end of your post.
  12. Ferngesteuerterkernstrahlungsabsobierenderstrahlungsaustauschakkumulator - bump.
  13. "Tank team" Sure I want to see that video? ._.
  14. It is fine how it is for me. I want to be the boss in my topic when I want to sell a Pokemon. When the seller changes some infos or anything else you can cancle your offer and everything is fine. You have to trust the seller and if you see hes cheating you dont have to buy his Pokes anymore. Its a "not so cool" move but I personally wouldnt like harder rules here. Edit: And when you make the rules harder there is always a other way to cheat like fake bids from guild members... Often seen that.
  15. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest:Lucurryo Friendliest:Jiggedy Funniest:Jiggedy Coolest:Lucurryo Comeback Player of the Year:Bentehn Most Talkative: Mjump01 Most Trustworthy:saladirxd Most Helpful:Jiggedy Most Missed: Geisterfalke Most Influential:Lucurryo Most Intriguing: Geisterfalke STAFF CATEGORY Best GM:Noisia Best CC:Calahan Best MOD:Letrix Best CS: Biaozila Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Mapper: Druz (Christmas maps are the best but I can choose only one person:/) Most Professional Staff: Red Most Friendly Staff: Red Most Dedicated Staff: Red Most Honorable Former Staff: AngelKnight
  16. Yes, Defog is allowed if not I would be perma banned I guess. "Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have +Evasion or -Accuracy moves in its moveset. Using +Evasion moves or -Accuracy reduction moves is forbidden. Screenshot evidence is required." Defog lowers evasion. Only increasing evasion is not allowed. Thats how I understand it.
  17. Hey torbchen1496. :) Wie du im Vorstellungstext bestimmt bereits gelesen hast gibt es bestimmte Anforderungen die erfüllt sein müssen, wir sind da auch relativ streng mit diesen aber ob du die Anforderungen erfüllst oder nicht, du kannst gerne schonmal auf unserem Discordserver vorbeischauen. Alles weitere würden wir dann dort klären. ^^ Aktueller link: https://discord.gg/JWTTWu
  18. Send me a picture then please :o :shrug: Got implemented I guess but if you want I´ll give you the money :P
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