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Everything posted by Orororo

  1. WTS Shiny Giratina 17M Discord Pin#3242 IGN Orororo
  2. I want to finish story johto hoen and kanto my discord Pin#3242
  3. i want story johto sinnoh hoen my discors Pin#3242
  4. better combine gold and silver so there is no more imbalance in price .... and that will make things fair
  5. please hold a wing event .. many new players do not feel they have wing moltres and articu and other wings
  6. please this is very strange there is no notification that the bag rotom coin capsul is prohibited from trading .... i want to sell orders from people backack but it can't be traded ...
  7. help me again to run the heatran quest while in my disconection / dc and I go back to the pokecenter .. when I want to go back there it can't even be so weird even though my stuff is still confiscated by npc
  8. wts togepi modest spd 31 last bargained 500k server silver
  9. please help me ... my pokemon can't change to sylveon even though I'm already on evo location for sylveon ... please help me I continue to raise my Pokemon but still can not evolve I do not understand why help me silver server ign cyim why my pokemon has turned into espeon even though I have followed according to the rules I want to be a sylveon help me can I return it to eeve please? server silver ign cyim
  10. no ... I mean .... I want to join your guild if you can
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