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Everything posted by Rhev

  1. hisoka got it
  2. 2 hours left to go
  3. started 7 hours ago, so 17 hrs left to end
  4. 1 day auction start with 2m min bid 250k insta 5m
  5. i couldnt complete because i was just transferred my account to gold so didnt have friends in here. tried once with random party but couldnt. also some people dont like getting social, some cant be social, some cant even talk english with others, so my opinion is, this was very bad idea. you let gangs control the territory. i understand making quests hard makes it worth to reward, but try once making people have fun by quests, make people spend good time on pokemon revolution. sometimes these quests really torchering, tortuing. so my suggestion is, make people have good time from quests to quests
  6. this happened to me three times in a row at exactly on same thing i was doing. battle starts, when almost first turn was going to be completed, game crashes. says pro stop working that is probably cauz of my system compatibility or something but i am looking for solution suggestions.
  7. no move affected serperios ability like icy wind or rock tomb, landorus didnt get any speed lowering move to, also choice scarf didnt get knocked off. sorry i couldn't have the full logs screenshot, next time i will
  8. when serperior acts first against my lando, i tought he scarfed and bring medicham, but he used glare then, how is that possible? nothing even triggered contrary by speed, or he was not with quick claw
  9. i know roost works only in same turn if rooster acts first and if not have levitate or sumtin can take ground move hits and yeah sorry its my bad, we have ultra sun moon
  10. if we use gen7 mechanics in our game, it would be good to have teleport with -6 priority in the game with no fails. because thats important part of gaining momentum
  11. yes
  12. i still wait for backpack accesory items which every trainer should have behind
  13. -1 ofc
  14. +1 yes, i always like to have games with their own music cuz a game is complete with his own images animations etc and music n sounds. btw when music over and start again, makes players focus reset, it can be cross mix betterly. on this subject, i think game can has its own 'revolutionary' style and sumtin new can be implemented, dont have to be replica to old games, cuz im sure if that old gen games was anounced in this time, it would be different but i still like chiptune sounds with pixel looks
  15. my suggestion is fixing or updating muks movepool
  16. having every week different untradable shiny pvp mons on sale by system would be cool. should be syncable, randomized stats can be sale by pvp coins or pokedollars with high amounts or any smilar idea to make players leave high money to system and be avaible to do something good with money
  17. i lost many games today against stallers just cauz of this situation when my atk pokes gets poisoned, the damage they deal going half like happens when i get burn i dont have evidence rn but im trying to get one with a friend now please check it soon
  18. Rhev

    Yawn Bug

    yeah all enemies with a status condition going to sleep by yawn, it works like rest now
  19. there is a lag point exact on there whenever pass from there game lags a little for seconds, its happening to another people to. another thing i want u to know is when game sound off, leaving fuchsia pokecenter, game makes a glitch noise these not important things but still bugs i think have a good day
  20. i didnt understand, cauz of my english i think mega scizor is tech, so a ha scizor turns into mega, becomes tech scizor even with more atk n def stats and can use curse..
  21. its better to have uu tier seperated from ou. switching random battles is fine, but ou and uu totally different. also pro different from showdown, like we have mega metagros in ou here, also slowbro is ru tier, so its playable in uu, but for pro we all know slowbro is ou. so my opinion is having different battle tiers makes us need categorizing all the pokemons by tiers. need hardworking, and very hard to make stable balance between them. so if categorizing will happen, i think its better to categorize pokes special for pokemon 'revolution'. because poke world still use the old tier system. they categorized first tiers like with the most used pokemons, overused. but in pro we can see many uu or nu pokes in monthly most used pokemons list in pro. pro can have, for example a class is the pvp we play now, and there can be b class pokes, which has less damage or bulkines or way to attack or defend etc.
  22. so its unreasonable for this game
  23. mega is tech anyway, i wonder why mega allowed with curse
  24. understood
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