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Everything posted by Takanumi7

  1. Bump
  2. -1 just for getting rid of mega stones for the sake of newbies. I would much rather see something like UU implemented so you can play a little more of what you like than another OU without Megas
  3. start scizor please
  4. +1 from me overall. I think its all a bit too much tbh like your spawns are a bit too overpowered but in general very nice suggestions! My favorites are: reroll ticket obtainability, every 1000 points a reward, stat-modifying berries (way too hard to farm atm, i would raise the price for them though) and of course shiny rocks
  5. Insane Toge! Good Luck
  6. Hidden power for larvesta 1 and price for feebas please
  7. insta umbreon 3 relaxed
  8. I would maybe suggest (i dont know if it is possible) to just make the bcc prize room the last visited pokecenter in the exact moment you get into the contest. There has got to be a way to treat this room as a pseudo pokecenter.
  9. +1 had the same issue today
  10. Nice shop! I would like to buy Ambipom for 350k
  11. You're welcome and a good day for you too!
  12. Hey i just had my bagon paralyze a diglett with dragonbreath. It has sheer force so that should not happen. I double checked and tried again but paralyzed a diglett again so its not just one tim it happened.
  13. +1
  14. Hey! what is the hidden power?
  15. Fixed it myself. Needed to delete old version of PRO on mobile. Can be closed.
  16. Okay i got an email in my spam folder at least but still can't log in nor have i been asked to verify anything. It shows connection lost all the time but as proven by writing on here my internet connection works fine.
  17. Hey guys, it has been a while since i have played the game but i have been very active this year when I played and wanted to check back in. Now I downloaded the app (never played the game on anything else than pc before) and I can't log in. I know the password, that is no issue, I noticed though that there is a new 2FA for new devices but I don't get an email either for verification purposes. Can you guys help me figure out the problem please? Would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!
  18. Damn. I love the meeseeks reference cause lookin at the impossibility of teaching jerry to properly play golf (lol) it really shows that without an easily fulfillable desire to reach a certain goal we are basically stuck in a not ending cycle of pain until we reach that goal as shown by the growing anger of the meeseeks. I think you are right, freedom itself can not exist in a way that pleases everybody as the concept of freedom is so individual that freedom itself can not be accomplished once a concept of freedom has been made up because a concept of freedom contradicts freedom itself. Therefore the true *freedom* is not to think but to be and have a reachable goal that keeps our thoughts from running wild as advocated by the meeseeks episode.
  19. +1 i would just suggest giving less money from bosses to stabilize the economy if it really is that necessary
  20. 1.3m from me
  21. Ok nevermind all fine, it still works out as it seems. Shouldn't have wrote that soon, sorry
  22. As I was trying to subdue the Officer at the underground (I had Fresh Water and Buttefree with Sleep Powder) my Butterfree used Bug Bite instead and now the Officer is gone and the Radio Director Gavin won't move, so I'm stuck I suppose.. Is there a chance of fixing this?
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