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Everything posted by Takanumi7

  1. Deino 750k
  2. Deino 650k
  3. Have you tried the Lvl Towers yet? They cost a bit of money but it is worth it in general. Another thing that could potentially help regarding the gym fight is teaching gyarados Dragon Dance and use it as a boosting Sweeper (this only applies of course if you dont run it yet, in this case go to move relearner for it, its worth it)
  4. +1
  5. Takanumi7


  6. Make a post in General Complaints- Email Recovery and 2FA
  7. +1 to what bhimoso said. I think the option that it reverts to the evs and moveset before the trade should stay. It is just tedious if you lend a friend a pokemon and he wants to play it for example atk/hp instead of atk/speed, trains it that way and you would then have to retrain speed again when you get it back. So while I agree there should be an option to enable the evs being changeable for the long run in trade, there should also be the option to get it back as you traded it.
  8. 400k
  9. 30k smeargle
  10. I like it +1
  11. +1
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