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Everything posted by Takanumi7

  1. Whatsup! I would like to buy a good Pachirisu with Volt absorb! Impish prefered, but I am open to careful, bold, calm, timid and jolly as well. Stats I focus on are def, speed, spdef and hp so spatk and atk really dont matter that much to me although they are a plus of course. If i like the Pokemon you send me I will pay you a good amount of money!
  2. Start ditto
  3. 2.4 Million Pokedollar
  4. 3853
  5. Damn i was 1 hour late, i think -.-
  6. I offer 1 million pokedollars
  7. +1
  8. If you really want to train it (which i would not advise since its ability is trash) go speed spatk full
  9. Summer event is over you have to wait another year to go to Vulcan island
  10. 30k aero
  11. Thank you @Sin
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