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Everything posted by Takanumi7

  1. Hey, I have a question about how the double reroll works. So if I buy the double reroll will it only count towards the pokemon that i reroll first or can I reroll another pokemon with double reroll when I am content with the reroll of my first pokemon after the first to third try or so? This might be a weird question but double reroll is a huge investment especially if you save up to 10 tickets for it. Thanks in advance!
  2. Wtb 500k rotom 31 speed
  3. Hey i want to buy the gible
  4. Love the answers and the idea of removing the cd for some money! And yes Raika it was only meant for the cd not because i lost rating. I get dc'd that often that chasing rating just doesn't make sense haha
  5. In my opinion it is really unfair to those who do not have an incredibly stable internet connection to punish these players with a 10 min break of fighting. You get punished enough by losing rating. If it is about the avoidance of pushing, just dont let anyone fight the same opponent in consecutive battles- problem solved. Honestly it is the most frustrating aspect of this game and it serves literally no purpose whatsoever. I hope you think about changing it. For me it is always like: Alright i can not fight for the next 10 minutes, then I go offline for the next hour or so. You.lose.players.with.this. Sorry for my temper but this really gets on my nerves massively. Have a nice day guys and stay healthy!
  6. Use mysterious candy. Also sometimes if it does not work just relog and you should be fine.
  7. Wtb mudkip 200k and florges 24 def 13 speed 100k
  8. gg norbulka what an intense bidding war it was! Thanks a lot to Henrypart for the competent and friendly auctioning process!
  9. +1 Got some ideas for the 3rd option: Maybe a 3-day mini ms (not tradeable) Maybe something like a mini-cc (10 coins) Maybe mini-bms (2 hours or so and also not tradeable)
  10. Buy alolan-dugtrio
  11. It has Contrary. It all works as it should.
  12. I respect your point of view and understand the comment about checks and counters. However I personally think we would see more variety if Clefable was banned. Also i dont specifically plan for Clefable but you gotta have it covered you know. Of course Mega Scizor for example is more than a Clefable Counter I understand that.
  13. Well tbh i have never had any major problems with greninja (playin against it) which is why i would want it back. You dont get the point. Its not about how good the pokemon is, it is about the amount of planning you have to take into account when teambuilding. You mention its counters but this exactly adds to my point that you gotta plan for clef in advance. So now you have to have some kind of clef counter in team for it not to become superdangerous. -1 spot in your team. Honestly i always hear the same stuff when this is discussed (not the first time someone posted this). And honestly I am okay with Clef not being banned but that doesnt mean that its not unhealthy for the variance of pokemon and teambuilding. It is as simple as that. So you can still say oh this counters it etc. But this is far away from the point the OP wanted to make.
  14. Agree. Would open up the meta a lot imo. Not sayin that it isnt beatable but if i wouldnt need to solve the clef problem every time while team building this would open up a team slot for a more rarely used pokemon without getting completely annihalated from clef. Also there is a reason why its S-Tier in Pro-Meta. Bring Greninja back and ban clef.
  15. Dig spots, Excavations and Headbutt trees are currently diabled due to server issues regarding scripted spawns.
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