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Everything posted by Anonywish

  1. I would expect a staff member would personally have to delete the account for you. If you are looking for a new beginning within your own means, join the other server instead and start a-new.
  2. Post/PM.
  3. Anonywish


    Personally, I do not believe they are currently coded within the fight anyways. Just how PP is not calculated versing a Pokemon.
  4. Welcome. Certainly probably the most user-friendly and polished of the MP emulators, imo.
  5. The only shiny I have personally OT encountered was a golbat. I forgot to bring pokeballs at the time, so I couldn't catch it. RIP 10k.
  6. Bump to page 1. Nobody knows, really?
  7. .Bought.
  8. .Sold.
  9. You're welcome. All thanks to you guys, really. If you find any more, please report them here whether it's a new location or confirmation. & @Despotaa, Just a poke ball? If I recall correctly, I had that too. I will need to revise that location.
  10. @Subject. Have asked Help channel many times over the past couple weeks; nobody knows. Here we go. If so, both servers - how much do they go for? Or just the crackers? Thanks in advance to any truly knowledgeable PRO player with the definite answer.
  11. So Route 12 candy only respawns once? & Thank you, MrCuir.
  12. So I thought - yesterday.
  13. He's just another player trying to be funny. Oh, okay. I see. I suppose his 1 interweb LOL at best suffices and warrants a thread. Cringe-worthy more than funny, imo :Smile: . Hopefully it was worth the ban.
  14. Gyarados or Dragonair, imo. Fish a Magikarp/buy one (Mt. Moon Poke) or grab a Dratini from the zone.
  15. If you're looking for a specific player on the forums, hit the Members tab towards the top-left. Otherwise, add them as a friend in game? Good luck with your proposal, nonetheless.
  16. The fire types are usually the better amongst the three in most gyms. Especially once you have fire + fighting or fire + flying on your side. Aside from practicality, I prefer Blastoise and Freligatr over all-else. Probly' spelled em' wrong, doe. Lol.
  17. I like the pokemon tower's tune.
  18. Thank you, Louvie.
  19. To add onto the above, everybody can acquire a Mew. Fill your Pokedex :y: .
  20. Welcome, welcome.
  21. Whalegum :Exclam:
  22. Anonywish


    Thanks for the confirmation; nice to hear. - Donator
  23. :Cool: Welcome.
  24. There seems to be quite a few items like this yet to be coded into the game; obtained by strange methods. Being useless currently, I would like to recommend you hang onto it until a later date where it may prove to be beneficial.
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