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Everything posted by Anonywish

  1. Personally, I would aim for SP ATK.
  2. Can we move this topic elsewhere, please? Last thing we need is 100 other players to think this is a price checking forum. Worst case scenario, thread sticky.
  3. Welcome to Blue. Add me in-game if you have any questions; I truly have nothing better to do.
  4. :y: Blue server pride - Welcome.
  5. Windypuff's guide probly' states one of the, if not the best. However, I took a slightly similar, yet different route on defeating the Johto crew. My team was all 100, fully EV trained, best movesets, correct natures, great IV's, the works. So results may vary for you to some extent. However, I used the Gengar, Gyarados, Clefable alongside a Dragonite, Salamence and a Snorlax - mostly just the tank for reviving/healing my party. I struggled a bit with some luck; but came out victorious, surprised and happy. Haha. :y: Best of luck.
  6. Are you having issues logging back in?
  7. Thanks for the guide, Windy. It was a miracle how I beat it. Salamence using Fly versing the Fighting type definitely helped me more in that battle.
  8. :y: Most excellent.
  9. Welcome to PRO :Smile: .
  10. Krewella - Human
  11. SleepyCabin (SleepyCast) S1 E23 :y:
  12. Alright, here you go!
  13. Because your name is seemingly also Nick (thank your parents), I will see what I can do for you :Cool: .
  14. Meh. Back to page 1. Here's another ig.
  15. My plane landed in Texas once. ..on a runway of course.. not in the middle of nowhere there. Alright.. well that's all I have to contribute. Haha. Welcome :y: .
  16. I am not really the kind of guy into anime and the like. However, Sword Art Online was quite relatable and fantastically presented not only visually, but with an intriguing story alongside it. For anybody like me who at one point became self reliant on cyber friendships and relationships and what-not in the distant past when the reality offered no shoulder, it's truly a phenomenal representation. Aside from that, I briefly got into a couple Netflix originals. Surprisingly, their department or the corporation they purchase that work from are also quite experienced.
  17. Anonywish

    Notepad C++

    Great suggestion. Back in my schooling days we learned the basics solely through the default Notepad doc's with little C++. Shame they do not expand development for the wee lads nowadays, really.
  18. I do not quite remember which I obtained, but it was neither of those three I am almost sure. Regardless, thank you for this Guide. Not long ago I also questioned where to obtain Trapinch, traveling back to this area to find nothing. If I can recall what I did find, I will be sure to report back to you. :y: :thanks:
  19. To add onto the above, look on the bright side; maybe your next encounter will be even better in stats/nature and/or shiny :y: .
  20. If I recall correctly, there's an NPC in both General Stores (Cela/Golden) that states this complication, vaguely. Personally, I agree with your idea and it would be nice to see implemented. However, there might be a coding issue with it which is why we don't see it, currently. So at best, maybe make that NPC appear in more areas offering more information towards players with similar concerns.
  21. Re: Partyhat 1M <t>Bump to page 1.</t>
  22. :y: *highfive*
  23. Hey buddy. Welcome to PRO :Smile: . More Revolution-ary than Tetris.
  24. Aha. Thank you - both :y: .
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