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Everything posted by Anonywish

  1. It depends, really. There's quite a few poke in the teams that could potentially one-hit you as Gengar is primarily beneficial in SP ATK and SPD. If you have one that is going to prioritize SP ATK, you may go second - but at higher DPS. The alternative to your Gengar is having it hold a Quick Claw to balance it out. You could also use Black Glasses or any Ghost attack bonus item should you instead take the timid route. As somebody who is in the market all day, everyday, I can tell you with assurance there are quite many Kanto Gengars with 20+ in both SPD AND SP ATK. So you could instead maybe purchase one of those, too. This also all goes without saying fully EV trained Pokemon will maximize your potential to win, as well.
  2. The poke tower basement has alot of rats. I dunno' if that's close enough to your percentage, though.
  3. Though I am not entirely sure the extent of which the graphic settings affect performance, but maybe play around a while with those settings and see if that helps you out any. I never off-tick the FPS limiting option, but I imagine if I did then I would probably be experiencing some performance issues as well.
  4. Welcome. (KH ftw)
  5. Mmm... so that's what the game looks like in bigger res :thanks: .
  6. As I stated before, there's a reason Gamefreak originally intended and still is annoyingly persistent on the franchise staying mostly SP. As a child back in the day, if this game was around then, I would have missed so many days of school and possibly have dropped out due to the addiction I have for PRO today. Difference between what would of been and now is I am an adult who plays too much; yet can justify that as OK because I am indeed an adult :y: . Oh boy. Haha.
  7. Beautiful suggestion. Something so minor, yet something much needed. On a similar note: I would love to see the client remember where our interface was last placed. For example, I play in the smallest res possible as I play another game alongside this. However, when engages in a battle, I move that interface up slightly higher and to the right. When re-opening the client, I need to re-position it. These small changes dully noted would make a world of difference, really.
  8. Thank you; you're handsome.
  9. Bump. Price doubled.
  10. Welcome to PRO, PRO bro.
  11. Bottom-right in the footer, The Team.
  12. Welcome.
  13. Appeal it via the Discipline Appeals forum. Provide evidence through Account on the front page.
  14. A perk of Membership is finding shiny pokemon at a better rate. You will also receive XP/$$ 50% more in each battle. Edit: Read it wrong.
  15. *slicks hair back* How you doin'? *snort*
  16. Google did you a favor. Welcome.
  17. Do you have a daily routine you follow in the game? If not, what do you enjoy to do most commonly? I could use some ideas.
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