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Everything posted by Anonywish
Oh yeah? Well thanks :Grin: . Was expecting a little more info by now, doe.
Supposedly last Christmas there was an event where when awarded for a specific battle, you would acquire a cracker that would lead to any one of six colors of a partyhat. Are these trad-able, is there a market for them, are there any other similar items? I would really like to start collecting these, but I see very few players wearing them let alone throwing them in circulation.
I like your accent :Smile: . The Pokemon Online video is a neat tutorial(?).
:Smile: Not bad.
My buddy had the roughest time as well with him. Later on, he gets much tougher as well. I would recommend purchasing any 90+ Gengar - will help you alot with Kanto E4, too.
As far as any reimbursement, I don't think there's really anything the Staff can do. To prevent it from happening again however, press the sync button next to the action bar in the bottom left-hand corner of the GUI as it'll save your progress right then.
Thanks guys :Smile: ! Any more?
Later tatertot :y: !
Very nice work thus-far, Daitana! It's looks very polished and quite up to date, as well. I shall certainly make use of it :Smile: ! I still plan on pursuing the project that looks roughly similar in concept; yet an area where everyone can get as involved as they want.
Blue server is love, Blue server is life - nicely done :y: ! Welcome aboard.
:Smile: Thank you, very much! A promising team already. That's fantastic! Would you mind showing us the progress sometime?
Still very much interested in development on this :Grin: . If there's any Volunteers, I would be happy to start this project myself.
Excellent; even better! Haha - thank ya'. Anybody else whom has locations, please list them here. Any locations that are not credible or one that respawns aside from the two listed, please also report that here too - much appreciated. I will try and check all of these locations personally, as well.
Reserved for concerning replies thus-far. Overall, thank you for the discussion. It's certainly given me something to think about.
:Smile: Thanks guys - keep em' coming! I shall update the OP and indicate clearly which do respawn. Also, Staff, please move thread to General Talk.
I play RuneScape at the same time as PRO. Should PRO ever shut down, which I truly doubt it will for a long time yet, I have another game to fall back on. I would like to say I am an efficient gamer time-wise; yet it's debatable if videogames is time well spent. Lol.
:Smile: Thank you, Foxys. The Viridian respawns for me yet the forest-tree one seemingly does not. As for the Route 12 one, I have yet to journey there. Any further locations you have would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to PRO.
Welcome to the Forums.
As an MMO, this market's prices are dictated based on the supply and demand of every given hour. The prices that carry over are deemed reasonable by the buyer and seller until a better price becomes justified by the majority in some manner. Personally, I find this system exciting; yet extremely aggravating at the same time as a player VERY active within the Trade channel throughout every day for many of these hours. I get it, this economy varies very little in comparison to other MMO's without a system in place that allows accumulated bids over time with or without an automatic buy or selling point - those are not to be discussed. Nor am I suggesting this system in any way as the team has taken a stand against it until server stability is better guaranteed. As a community, given the tools we have, how would you suggest to shape a better environment where both parties would feel the Trade was not only more accurate, but more fair as well? As it stands, everybody buys items/poke for 1K each and tries to sell it for 1M each (obvious exaggeration - you get it). Not only does this promote off topic comments within the channel frequently (despite being against the rules) but it discourages players such as myself the want to do a trade with anybody not in just the fear of losing significant monetary value; but for other reasons unstated and possibly considered irrelevant. Overall, doing your research is never a valid argument here with such unpredictable factors. Yet, there must be a better way.
I also felt Johto was a tougher storyline in comparison to Kanto's. I enjoyed it, though.
Welcome! You chose the right server :Cool: .
There are many reasons why I prefer this over the others. Being easy to install and play for the average player helps, too.
Welcome :Smile: .