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Everything posted by Anonywish

  1. I forget the guy's name, but a while back he was selling one in Johto for 40k. I will keep you posted if I see it again - they're quite cute. I don't see too many in Blue, but they're probly' not too uncommon.
  2. Here bud, there's more info here that may help you. Someone linked me to the Lance guide, as well.
  3. I had the same question not long ago. After much contemplation, I did join it. For now, I find the 150 pokedex prize will be worth it once the item becomes coded properly. Until then, I would say enjoy the cave for it's XP/$$ spoils.
  4. Huge vouch for Jolly - would request again :Smile: !
  5. Welcome :Smile: ! My bud recently bought Yellow from Amazon for a good deal; reliving some glitch-filled nostalgia. Good game.
  6. My turn, I guess :Ambivalent: . Emerald - last survivor of my SP.
  7. Age does not dictate maturity - I understand this. However, with age does warrant greater responsibility and a great self awareness. Whether a person chooses to reflect this or adapt to it within the real world and our virtual world is a personal decision in it's entirety. I choose to rather believe this concept is an attribute towards the majority of society; therefore offer my opinion that these irrational and hostile comments come from exactly that.. the younger age group of the community - or atleast, it makes me feel better in that perspective, anyways. Regardless, I enjoy helping out new players as well. I was at one point - still somewhat am even with 16 badges.
  8. Cute :Smile: . I'll get you started with 100k.
  9. The Blue server seems to be down, as well. If the past proves true to me, it crashes only at the most inconvenient times :Smile: .
  10. You may find some relevant information within this thread :Smile: .
  11. Say best in the title and everybody loses their minds :Crazy: . No hidden ability, though? Regardless, if everyone else drops out you will now have my 200k offer. Hehe. Good luck!
  12. Dang - Some attractive people here playing PRO :y: .
  13. With real life currency, you can purchase coins which come in packs of 100. 100 of those can be traded for a Membership Medallion. This MS (membership) is trade-able in-game at the cost of 100-200k pokedollars.
  14. I took a date out for sushi once, never trying it myself; pleasantly surprised. Supposedly it's a big commodity there - try it!
  15. Add me in-game. As I hold an active subscription, I can catch these exclusive Pokemon and sell them to you at a very cheap (or free) price :Smile: . Overall, there are only so many incentives a company can promote to promise itself a stable, financial future. In a game like this, your options seemingly become even more limited. So to limit certain Pokemon for Members, it ensures generous compensation. This however is not to say I fully agree with the choices that have been made, though.
  16. Perfect. Thank you again, Vaati - Appreciate the quick replies, as well. I will see if I can grab an Altaria :Grin: ! (if Blue returns Online)
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