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Everything posted by Saskeboyz

  1. 300k
  2. 210k
  3. Hohlyeraser WON THE AUCTION FOR 2.1M! Tell me in game when we can meet: Saskeboyz Or discord: sensibol#6697
  4. start
  5. https://gyazo.com/60fc74526066c997193c56e01ff1f909 c.o 500k
  6. S.o: 200k Time: 48h from first bid Min Bid: 50k Accepted payement: Iv RR 600k Nature RR 300k CC 350k Fake Offers will be reported. Good luck everyone! End 15.25 CET https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3831302/end-sceptile-auction
  7. Hi, i Need to lvl up this treecko
  8. Raikaa, best lvl service, fast
  9. Hiii, i need to train this poke :D
  10. What's your in-game name? My in-game name Is saskeboyz ● How old are you? Im 17y y.o, i Will turni 18 at december ● Are you active in Discord? yes, in very Active on discord (sensibol#6697) ● Where are you from? im from sicily, Italy ● What's your total playtime? My Total playtime Is 460h+ ● What's your goal in PRO? Create a good pvp team, and grow up all my favorite pokemon ● What do you enjoy while playing the game? I like to start pvp, and continue a pve ● Why do you want to be part of the guild? For catching all good Pokémon in guild Island, for do new friends and talk with they ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Ninetales, i don't know why, but all forms in this game, ARE LITERALLY FANTASTIC
  11. Want to sell this mount: Espeon mount for 150k Shiny milotic mount for 400k Galvantula mount for 160k contact me on discord saaskeh#6697 or in game saskeboyz
  12. Player name: SaskeBoyZ Server you are on : Silver Timezone (in GMT): +1
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