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Everything posted by Icedcola

  1. SOLD
  2. @aymi11 u won gz thnx , I can be online now if u r free
  3. 35mins left!
  4. bump!
  5. Start : 100k Minimum bid: 50k Ends at : https://countingdownto.com/?c=3676992 (48hrs) If no one start I'll cancel the auction when time ends. I can accept cc(400k) and Pokemoney only.
  6. ..
  7. My character is still stuck..
  8. -1 for me, unless they fixed the repel step disappearing when u goes dc, because imagine if u use 10+ repels at once then u got disconnect for having net problems, afk and etc. your 2000+ repel step will disappear and ik that's a hella waste of repels for me.
  9. This acc is in silver I currently ran out of ideas of how can I move my character with limited resources, I'm stuck in the middle of pokecenter with only having 1 pokemon in my party, I'm out of escape rope and I'm on frickin island at vulcan which doesn't exist anymore so I can't get help from someone to give me even just 1 escape rope, ik this is a bug and hoping for someone to resolve this.
  10. ID: 35679877 poke: Happiny
  11. [ATTACH=full]172754[/ATTACH] Icefroqe Gold
  12. -1 its not invincible
  13. Yea I also bought one and I was wondering why it's like that, it doesn't really change much compared to ordinary Drifloon mount that the difference is only the color of mount.
  14. 1m1
  15. Auction end c.o 400k 2nd klefki sold
  16. 1st klefki sold insta at 1m6 by Shristi thnks for those who participate^^
  17. Ok ill make it more interesting^^ 1st klefki Insta reduced from 2m to 1m6
  18. 1st klefki C.O 1.25m by Shristi
  19. 1st klefki C.O 1m1 by shristi
  20. 2nd klefki C.O 1cc=400k by furrydragon
  21. 1st klefki C.O 1m by Darksun20
  22. 2nd klefki C.O 220k by creoo
  23. 1st klefki insta reduced from 3m to 2m 2nd klefki insta reduced from 1m to 500k
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