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Exotyc last won the day on August 6 2021

Exotyc had the most liked content!

About Exotyc

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Community Answers

  1. Hi there! I'm sorry for the late reply. You cannot get the shiny Gengar Clothes this year as it was exclusive to 2020. I'll lock this as we cannot proceed further. Have a nice day!
  2. I didn't check the title when I split the post from the guy's forum thread. I'll lock this thread as resolved. Have a nice day!
  3. Locked as it was handled and solved here.
  4. There is a misunderstanding from your side. Beating the special mode will grant you the normal Mega Gengar Clothes and not shiny as the shiny clothes were exclusive to 2020 Halloween. Some people may have got it this year due to a bug happening last year when they couldn't claim it.
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