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Everything posted by Epithet

  1. No worries. I'll go ahead and lock this thread since the issue was resolved. Feel free to create a new thread if you have another question or issue. Have a good day.
  2. Hello @Henr1que. My apologies for the late response. The Fox Mask item has been a pretty exclusive item throughout the history of PRO. In the past, it could be chosen as a reward for the top 15% players in the Summer Tournament, as a reward for Contributors, and for Top 25 PvP rewards. Currently, there is no way to get the Fox Mask. As for the wiki, there currently is a page showing Cosmetics and Accessories, but it is mostly incomplete. This is the page. I will try to update is as much as I can, but there are a lot of Cosmetics and Accessories and they all require research before I implement them. Let me know if you have further questions.
  3. Hello @Superalby97. My apologies for the late response. Can you speak with Sailor Darlow in Canalave City and see if he allows you to go to Fullmoon Island? If he does, proceed with the quest normally. If this does not work or if you have further questions, please let me know.
  4. Hello @Zotakaiser. My apologies for the late response. Event move tutors are special tutors for Pokémon that can only learn a certain move through an event. By event, I do not mean our in-game events, but rather real-life events held by the Pokémon Company where Pokémon were distributed with special moves they otherwise couldn't learn. These tutors are our way of implementing event-only moves that some Pokémon can learn. In the case of Baton Pass, the event move tutor will only teach this move to the following: Farfetch'd Beedrill Spearow Rapidash Dodrio Hypno Zapdos Natu Swellow Lunatone Solrock Buizel Venonat Scyther Shelmet It is also good to note that PRO uses the Generation 7 learnsets. Whimsicott, Gardevoir, and Pidgeot cannot learn Baton Pass in Generation 7, so they can't in PRO either. While Clamperl itself doesn't learn it, both its evolutions, Huntail and Gorebyss, learn it at level 29. You can take them to the Move Relearner to re-teach the move. Likewise, Nincada doesn't learn Baton Pass. But Ninjask, one of its evolutions, learns it at level 35. Venomoth learns it through the Egg Move tutor. Sentret learns Baton Pass at level 39. Hope this helps clear things up. If you have further questions, please let me know.
  5. Epithet

    Xmas quest

    Hello @Trai. My apologies for the late response. I see you have gotten the stone now after getting the Mega Bracelet. I will close this thread since the issue is resolved. Feel free to create a new thread if you have another question or issue. Take care.
  6. Hello @Mochi00. My apologies for the late response. Currently, Power of Alchemy is not coded. You can check what is not coded in the List of Broken Moves and Abilities thread. Furthermore, you can keep yourself up-to-date with what gets coded by checking out the Update Logs thread. Let me know if you have further questions.
  7. De nada. Si tienes otra duda, problema, o pregunta, crea un tópico nuevo y te asistiremos. Buen día.
  8. You’re checking between 00:00-01:00 (midnight). Can you check during 12:00-13:00 (midday)?
  9. The announcement for the opening of the Christmas maps was made 10 hours ago. You can enter them through any port city, those being Vermilion, Olivine, Lilycove, and Canalave. Consider joining the PRO Discord server to keep yourself informed with game announcements and updates.
  10. Hello @Saviore. My apologies for the late response. Your issue has been forwarded to our Content Scripter team. Once there is an answer, either a Content Scripter or myself will reply. Thank you for your patience.
  11. Epithet


    Yes, you can play ranked PvP in your secondary account. You cannot, however, PvP on an account that is not yours.
  12. Hello @Shendelzaree. My apologies for the inconvenience. Could you try talking to the Lapras during the in-game hours of 12:00-13:00? If you still cannot reach Faraway Island, please let me know.
  13. Epithet


    What do you need help with?
  14. Hello @Charlotprivates. My apologies for the inconvenience. I have forwarded your issue to the Content Scripter team. Once there is a reply, either a Content Scripter or myself will inform you. In the meantime, can you please share screenshots of what the Karate Master says?
  15. As the event has since ended, there is no support we can provide you. Therefore, this thread will be locked for organizational purposes. Create a new thread if you have another question or issue. Take care.
  16. Epithet


    Locked as resolved. Don't hesitate to create a new thread if you have another question or issue. Take care.
  17. Locked as resolved. Feel free to create a new thread if you have another question or issue. Have a good day.
  18. Hello @Tiv. My apologies for the late response. Your Jigglypuff, Teddiursa, and Zubat have been removed from your party and placed in your PC. If you have any further questions, please let me know.
  19. Hello @Reihom. My apologies for the late response. According to our database, you have 32 badges on the Silver Server. Were you logging into Gold Server, perhaps? If not, can you provide a screenshot showing your lost progress?
  20. No worries, we're here to help. Glad to see that was the account. Since the issue was resolved, this thread will be closed. Feel free to create a new one if you have another question or concern. Have a great rest of your day.
  21. Glad to see it worked and good luck on Kyurem. If you have another issue or question, don't hesitate in creating a new thread. Take care.
  22. Resolved in-game. As such, this will be locked. Feel free to create a new thread if you have another question or issue. Have a good day.
  23. Hello @Kolante. My apologies for the late response. According to our database, this account has no significant progress. Are you perhaps thinking of your other account Kolan?
  24. Hola @Alep. Disculpa por la inconveniencia. Podrías bajar la felicidad de tu Eevee y después subirla al máximo otra vez? Te dará la opción de evolucionar al momento que la felicidad alcance 255. Así que tienes que hacer el proceso que te dije mientras es día en el juego (Pokétime (10:00-19:59). Avísame si te funciona o sigues teniendo problemas con esto.
  25. Hello, Check out this page. It has all the previous Christmas form Pokémon, plus the Pink form Pokémon and forms from other events.
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