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Everything posted by Ratedbeast

  1. Have fun with the game!
  2. +1 Dex should obviously be updated.
  3. Up!
  4. Up!
  5. Hey, I just want to suggest if DEVs could add the maximize button in PROclient. My laptop does not support PROclient in 1920 x 1080 resolution. (Others might have the same problem too.) So, when I try to adjust its resolution it either becomes too small or full screen. Playing in full screen is an option, but still I would like to suggest to make maximize button work, if possible! That's all, what I would like to suggest. Thank you!
  6. Welcome back! Hope you have a good time here!
  7. +1 Good idea, I like it.
  8. Sorry, its clean reg. You can try this one, it will work I guess.
  9. Maybe try clear reg command?
  10. @Haruyukio Have a look plz!
  11. If the dungeon quest was seperated into two ways, like individual and group, it would have been better in my opinion, as most of the players already mentioned about timing problems. For example, if the reward of group dungeon is light stone (If completed in 1st try), it should take 3 times for the people who have been doing dungeon without group to get light stone. Doing so, will even balance the reward system. I like the Santa and Zekrom quest, they were ezz and worthful to do as their rewards were satisfying too. At last, I really appreciate the hardwork put in by the PRO staff team. We expect even better quests from you. So, gooood luck!
  12. Hey, Your suggestion seems similar to Auction House. Have a look on this thread before you make a suggestion: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/159019-dev-to-do-list/
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