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Everything posted by Eon

  1. @Forcefull You have been punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. Coin Capsules weren't defined as accepted in this auction, so the 800k bid shouldn't have been acknowledged. Refunded 50k to @Tkl070701 since he would have bid 760k otherwise to win. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  2. The outcome of this auction has been forced due to difficulties in both parties meeting. The Bulbasaur has been transferred to @Girlsfight from whom 100k were removed and added to @K4neki. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  3. @Mozambi is the winner of this auction. The Chesnaught has been transferred in exchange for 500k, which were added to @2004pofe. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  4. Trade has been forced to honour the agreement. Trade has been forced to honour the agreement in private. Good luck in the remaining sales.
  5. @Chrisizard Force transferred your account onto Silver to honour the Fixed Price agreement you have for these Pokemon. Failing to do so will warrant punishment for False Buying. @Pontusjpp99 After this trade is complete, I'll ask you to remove every non-Special Pokemon from this thread, as you are not allowed to sell them in this sub-forum: You may open a Shop for them in the Shiny & Special Pokemon sub-forum. Take care.
  6. @Daftgenius The Alakazam trade has been forced in exchange for 1m. @Blacktroved Read the Trade Rules to know what you can sell in each sub-forum. Seeing as you are currently banned, will close this thread. Take care.
  7. The outcome of this auction has been forced due to difficulties in both parties meeting. The Pawniard has been transferred to @Joselli00 from whom 1m was removed and added to @Sonu117g. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  8. The outcome of the Beldum auctions has been forced due to difficulties in both parties meeting. The Beldums have been transferred to @Suncity from whom 420k were removed and added to @Renji333. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  9. The outcome of this auction has been forced due to difficulties in both parties meeting. Both alts have been transferred to @Alexhsor from whom 500k were removed and added to @Dkim0107. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  10. @Gillot97 You are allowed to only have 1 active thread per sub-forum, as instructed in the Trade Zone rules: The ones that are active and ongoing auctions won't be interfering, but if from this moment afterwards you ignore this warning, actions will be taken against your account. Locked this thread as they are inactive sales. Take care.
  11. @Renaciente You've excessively bumped your auction thread, once again. You will this time be restricted from posting in the next 96 hours. Continuing to ignore our actions will result in lengthier restrictions. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  12. @M4dson Forgetting is normal, but forgetting and deciding to change an auction parameter after it's started is breaking the Auction Rules. Seeing as you've directly profited from the infraction, you have been punished accordingly for a Poorly Handled Auction. Locked as there's no further action to take. Take care.
  13. @Thodo You have been punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. You already know what the mistake was, but you still need to face the consequences of your actions. Unfortunately it is no longer fair to reverse the outcome of the auction. Apologies for the inconvenience the auctioneer has caused. @Pengwinz Withdrawing bids is prohibited. There is no reason to rush, but if you do rush and regret your decision, you will have to own up to your mistake and stand by it - not backing away. Repeated will result in actions taken against your account. Locked as there's no further action to take. Take care.
  14. @Darrkin @Quangnguyen31 Unsure on what you are trying to pull with outbidding yourself across multiple auctions, but you will need to explain yourself. Appropriate actions have been taken against you as a result. The outcome of the Volcarona has been forced. The Pokemon has been transferred to @Darrkin from whom 600k were removed and added to @Lonebeast01. Furthermore, @Lonebeast01 do not bump other player's trade threads. You have been already punished for overbumping. You wouldn't want another one. @Kartikssg8 A formal forum warning has been issued to your account for the excessive overbump. You're only allowed one bump every 24 hours. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  15. @Play00boy You have enough of a trade history that you should be aware of the Trade Rules by now. You've been punished for Violation of Auction Rules: Locked as this thread fails to follow the ruling in place. Take care.
  16. @Firebatt You need to "get over it" and follow the rules as they are instructed: Impish nature doesn't decrease SPD, so the Scyther couldn't be advertised as 28+ while having 12 Speed. Be wary of this moving forward and advertising your sales correctly. Locked as the auction's been cancelled. Take care.
  17. @2004pofe Auctions cannot be cancelled once they've started. You've been punished for Violation of Auction Rules. This auction will resume. The Chesnaught is in my possession and I will be responsible for handling the auction. The current offer is 100k by @Vasif and the end point is set to 24 hours after this post. Every other parameter remains unchanged. Good luck to everyone involved.
  18. @Refandra You were punished for conducting a Poorly Handled Auction. The 1.3m bid from @BllacKMasK was already after the end point. Every subsequent bid is invalid. The outcome has been corrected and forced - winner is @Sayan12345678 with the 1.21m bid. @Luckytea You've missed an opportunity to appeal rather than accuse other players of reporting you - when it's within their right to report any infraction. Improve your attitude or you are subjecting yourself to future mistakes and harsher punishments.. @Sayan12345678 The Bisharp was force traded to your Waseben account, since you do not have the means to honour the bid on Sayan12345678. You are obligated as per the Auction Rules to announce the account in which you will be paying: I shouldn't have to check this and you're risking punishment for False Offering by doing so. Keep this in mind moving forward. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  19. @Lonebeast01 You had been warned before about your severe overbumping, and you've completely ignored me. You have been restricted from posting for the next 24 hours as punishment for the continuous rule breaking. In addition to this, 100k have been removed from your account and added to @Radovid10 due to your misusage of co, inducing the bidder in error that he had to bid the starting offer plus the minimum raise in order for it to be valid (500k + 100k = 600k). Be wary that further infractions will be sanctioned more severely. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  20. @Vize47 You were punished for conducting a Poorly Handled Auction in which you've broken several of the Auction Rules: Not acknowledging in-game bids with a screenshot. Accepting alternative accepted payments that weren't announced before the auction started. Not respecting the 15 minute rule. Highly recommend you read and understand the rules before creating your next auction. Seeing as not a single bid is valid, the outcome won't be reversed. Locked as there's no further action to take. Take care.
  21. The outcome of this auction has been forced due to the winner's inactivity. The Scyther has been transferred to @Painbr from whom 1m was removed and added to @Komitee. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  22. @Sayan12345678 Couple of things: This Scizor has 15 Speed while not having a Speed decreasing nature, so cannot be classified as 25+ as per the Trade Rules. You may only bump your trade thread once every 24 hours, as instructed in the Forum Rules. Meaning that auctions with such short duration, bumps are prohibited. Please keep this in mind moving forward to prevent sanctions issued to your account. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  23. @Pokegear7 You have been punished for a Poorly Handled Auction - not trading with the legitimate winner of the auction. The outcome has been forced. The Excadrill has been transferred to @Bluerise66 from whom 200k were removed and added to the auctioneer's balance. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  24. The outcome of this auction has been forced due to winner and auctioneer having difficulties in meeting. The Scyther has been transferred to @Lonebeast01 from whom 1.1m has been removed and added to @Kizspr0x (account where the Scyther was held, confirmed to be of the auctioneer). Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  25. The outcome of this auction has been forced due to winner and auctioneer having difficulties in meeting. The Shroomish has been transferred to @Lonebeast01 from whom 5m were removed and added to @Khaihoan2662004. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
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