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Everything posted by Eon
@Cr7keshu You were punished for a Poorly Handled Auction - failing to acknowledge in-game bids and not respecting the end point defined. @Shinymario @Rudedingo22 Apologies for the inconvenience caused by the auctioneer. Unfortunately, the outcome cannot be reversed in this case. For clarity - the auction actually started here on the forum, but the bids 300k, 350k and 375k weren't acknowledged with a screenshot. Furthermore, the Ralts was traded before the end point. Locked as there's no further action to take. Take care.
@Maitrepoulpe Appropriate actions have been taken against you for False Offering - not having the means to honour your bid, making it unable the forcing of the outcome. You had been warned before for this exact reason. I refuse to take money out of a Guild bank account when it's not clear the money is owned exclusively by you. @Cyanirl Apologies for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, your auction is void. You're free to to do whatever you want with the Slowpoke moving forward. Locked as the auction has been void and there's no further action to take. Take care.
@Yamauchi As spoken in-game, please be more careful when setting your end point. There is no need to input Duration + a timezone. If for whatever reason they don't match, you're setting yourself up for a mistake and to be punished for a Poorly Handled Auction, which is very easily avoidable with a little more care and attention. In future auctions, please remember to post a screenshot of the trade window when completing it, to officialise that the auction has concluded and can be closed. Refer to the Auction Rules: @Gonx2 799k have been returned to you to resolve a misunderstanding on both your ends. 701k was the winning offer. Consider yourself warned for your behaviour displayed in private messages with the auctioneer. There is no need to be pushy towards others to complete the trade. Everyone has a life to attend to. If after 48 hours you cannot meet, feel free to use the Report button to bring it to the Trade Moderator team's attention so it can be forced. Ignoring this warning in the future will warrant a temporary posting restriction issued to your account for misbehaviour. @Bhimoso @L0n3walk3r Apologies for the inconvenience caused by the confusion on the end point. The duration set is what stands, and your offers were after the end point. Locked as this thread has served its purpose. Take care.
The outcome of this auction has been forced due to difficulties of auctioneer and winner in meeting. The Ribombee has been transferred to @Penguin2k from whom 700k were removed and added to @Oliviya. @Oliviya In the future, please take a wider screenshot when you're using an offer to start an auction, so there isn't margin of doubt it's in accordance with the Auction Rules: Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
@Xaizen If anything regarding the auction is raising a concern, please stick to reporting and do not post in a sarcastic way. @Jumpkic1 You've been restricted from posting in the next 24 hours for your behaviour in this thread and reports. If something is bothering, stick to reporting and let us handle it. Going off on other players will only bring you trouble. Furthermore, you cannot create rules out of nothing. The current offer is 350k by @000madgestiy. There wasn't a 400k offer. The related posts have been deleted and the opening post has been edited to resolve any confusion. Further misbehaviour will be punished severely. The auction proceeds as normal. Good luck to everyone involved.
How would this suggestion address scams regarding payment? Being a timed lend, would assume the buyer of the service would have to pay upfront - at the time of the trade, before the Pokemon is trained. What happens if the Pokemon isn’t returned as agreed? Giving more power to the lendee, in my mind, would increase the chances of there being scams. Bear in mind Developers are responsible for the coding and implementation aspect. I’m only concerned about the moderation side of these features which would ease our work but require more thorough thinking and discussion.
@Noahblanco1 @7nolife7 Both of you are at fault. The former for posting in PRO Discord's Silver Trades channel, inducing bidders into an error, and the latter for failing to notice the server isn't of his interest to transfer to. For this reason, the auction is void and therefore locked. Please be more careful in the future. Further distractions will be met with in-game punishment. Take care.
@Mingrenpro Your bid will count as 5.4m. Setting the "1" in a much lower size, barely visible - in an attempt to throw off whoever is bidding - we won't recognise as valid. Next time you pull something similar, a formal forum warning will be issued to your account. @Donator The winner of this auction is @Q25 with the 5.5m offer. Please meet him to complete the trade and post a screenshot of the trade window when doing so. Take care.
@Idarkeater Highly advise you to read and familiarise yourself with the Auction Rules. You've failed to respect the following: There was no evidence of the 700k offer, nor permission from the buyer for you to use his offer to start an auction. This auction was never valid from the start, so it won't have repercussions in-game. However, you do need to be more careful in the future, and read the rules before creating your next auction. Locked as this auction is invalid and the Pokemon was already traded. Take care.
Shiny Hitmonlee(Finished Can Close)
Eon replied to Perde's topic in Shiny and Special Pokémon - Gold
@Perde In the future, please do not edit your end point/duration for the auction. You had written "Start at when first offer come(1 day left)" and then edited to "(1 day left)". In this edit, bidders lose track of when the auction ends. Since it didn't result in confusion and inconvenience, will let it slide with a verbal warning. But be wary that with this type of editing, you're risking yourself to be punished in-game for handling your auction poorly. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care. -
Auction for valentine goomy:o (can be closed)
Eon replied to Noahblanco1's topic in Shiny and Special Pokémon - Gold
@Noahblanco1 A few things: Your Goomy is a Valentine Form. So your thread has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum (Shiny and Special Pokemon). You've overbumped considerably. You may only bump once every 24 hours. You do not need to acknowledge or note bids/offers received on the forum thread, only the ones received in-game. Deleted all of the related posts. Notice how your thread is much cleaner now. Repeated overbumping will warrant a formal forum warning issued to your account. The end point you've posted right after the starting offer doesn't match the one you've set in the opening post. You've defined the end point as being 48 hours after start. Since the start was at 2:49AM GMT+0 of 04/02/2023, the end point will be at the same hour of 06/02/2023. And not 4AM GMT+1 (CET) as you've stated. Approximations are not allowed - an end point cannot be changed once the auction has started. This post has also been deleted to avoid confusion among the bidders. @Elijope You do not have a Reroll Ticket in your backpack, making your offer a false one: Since caught it early, this will only be a verbal warning. Ignoring said warning will result in in-game punishment. Your offer has been deleted as a result. The current offer is 2.3m by @Immortalx. Good luck to everyone involved. -
@Bnoapo7 You've overbumped your auction considerably, and unnecessarily. You don't need to remind everyone of the current offers in place and how much time is remaining. Everyone can see it - it's public. Continuing to overbump in a future auction will warrant a formal forum warning issued to your account. Now that you're aware, that shouldn't happen. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
Auction :Xmass modest Elekid
Eon replied to Mikasascarelt44's topic in Shiny and Special Pokémon - Silver
@Doggydog91 @Tattedupfool Unsure what you're trying to pull here, but appropriate actions have been taken against you. @Mikasascarelt44 Apologies for the inconvenience. You were a victim of a False Offer. You're free to to contact the 800k bidder, or sell this Xmas Elekid however you want. In the future, please make it clear that you're starting the auction with an offer. This wasn't obvious in the conversation. Not doing so in the future will result in problems to your side. Also, noticed you've attempted to sell this Elekid in Trade Chat today. Had the winning offer been legit and you sold the Pokemon to someone else, you'd be punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. If you are having trouble contacting the winner, use the Report button under a post of your auction to bring it to our attention so we can investigate and take the necessary actions. Locked as the auction is void. Take care. -
Hello @Callmerengod, Dungeons are a bit trickier due to their rewards and Leaderboard ranking. In my opinion, if the service is to just obtain the singular prize - Legendary (e.g. Victini) or Item (e.g. Light Stone) - it's fine. However, if the service is to be used continuously on an account which already has these prizes, then the gains become renewed and repeatable, which is a concern and am not a fan of. Situations like the Lucarionite which is based on RNG may require multiple runs, where there may be more tolerance towards. Do bear in mind that none of this is set in stone. We'll only address and punish abusive behaviour - clear intention of spamming and exploiting the Dungeon's consistent rewards and "boosting" in the Leaderboard ranking. Apologies if my reply isn't a clear yes or no, but it isn't possible to give you an objective answer in this matter without a few ifs. Let me know if there is any other doubt or concern regarding this matter. Merry Xmas likewise to you all.
Hello @Leafstoned, Providing Story/Quest service currently doesn't constitute as Mass Account Exploit. Firstly, would like to point out why this rule is in place: At an individual level, to prevent players from profiting from PvE content that is repeatable, from more than 4 accounts. It includes, but not limited to, Bosses, Digs, Excavations, Quests with a cooldown, etc. At a larger scale, to prevent excessive generation of Pokedollars, Itens and tradeable Pokemon - and therefore protect the game and its playerbase from their devaluation. When providing a Story/Quest service, one player is paying the other for their time and effort, when the gain for the completion of said Story/Quest is fixed and non-repeatable (for example: region(s) completion is one time per account, Mega Stone quests the prize is fixed at said stone, or quests that involved catching a Legendary Pokemon which is untradeable, etc.). At a larger scale, it is not harmful to the game. And at an individual level, the one providing the service isn't being abusive. Of course, you could argue that with Story service, money is being generated, and you'd be right. But it's an acceptable generation when it's the integration of a player/account in the economy, that will have expenses (money sinks) along the way with further quests (for example Cerulean Cave access). Do bear in mind that with newer and more diverse quests are created, we reserve the right to disallow any service regarding said contents, which will always be announced when decided upon. And that if today certain services are allowed, doesn't mean in the future we won't opt to forbid them - as an adaptation to the game's needs and our vision on how we wish to moderate accordingly to the situation at hand at the time. Unsure if this replied to your question. If it didn't, could you perhaps give me some examples or more insight on your doubts or concerns? Looking forward to your reply.
@Parage7 In future auctions, please write every parameter in the opening post, and this includes the end point. This will prevent loss of important information in case of a change of title. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
@Da3mon Be wary that changing a Minimum Raise after the auction has started is against the Auction Rules: Seeing as the Blaziken was insta'ed, the illicit change had no impact, so this will just be a verbal warning. In the future, please be more careful to follow the rules, and avoid inconvenience for both yourself and the bidders. Keep also in mind the following rule: Although not critical, it's preferred the auctioneers announce the winners publicly, with a screenshot of the trade window when completing it. Confirmed your trade did in fact happen and no irregularity with it. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
@Freaxx You were punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. The end point wasn't respected, and you've ended up selling to an illegitimate bidder. The auction started on 26/08/2022 at 0:23AM GMT+0, with a duration of 24 hours after the start, meaning the end point is set on 27/08/2022 at 0:23AM GMT+0. As such, the winning offer is 370k by @B4dtryp. @Lavkush Your 400k offer was 9 minutes after the end point, therefore invalid. The trade was reversed and the outcome corrected to the legitimate winner. The Ferrothorn has been transferred to @B4dtryp from whom 370k were removed and added to @Freaxx. Locked as there's no further action to take and the thread has served its purpose. Apologies for the inconvenience. Take care.
@Swgmacro Be wary to respect the ending point of your auctions. You've sold 13 minutes before the due time. Due to no inconvenience caused, this will just be a warning. However, if repeated, inconvenience or not, will result in a harsher punishment. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
@Drakhonlady You were punished for breaching several Auction Rules, to a degree that has no legitimacy whatsoever. Highly advise you read up the rules before creating your next auction, to prevent further mistakes and inconvenience to other players. Locked as the auction wasn't legit to begin with. Take care.
@Olker Off-topic posts are unwarranted in trade threads. Next time you do it a formal forum warning will be issued to your account. @Psikopatlaz53 Please do not respond to such comments, in order to keep your sale thread as clean as possible. Just report and wait for our intervention. 2 days haven't passed, meaning it was sold before the end point. Seeing as there were no other bidders, it's not harmful but should be avoided. @Tejkkapadia123 Please avoid inducing the auctioneer in error with your posts. Report if you're having doubts, so a Trade Moderator can review. Also, in the future, please do not cut the trade window. The Pokedollars transaction is missing from it. Checked that this Gible was indeed traded for 2k, as intended. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
@Pimpcio Your shop isn't concordant with the Trade Rules: Please remove Event and Shiny Pokemon, as well as the cosmetic section. You're more than welcome to open a separate shop for them in their appropriate sub-forums: Looking forward to seeing these changes. Good luck in your sales.
The Treecko trade has been forced due to difficulties in meeting. The Pokemon has been transferred to @Faraonchakal from whom 150k were removed and added to @Dorade. Good luck in your sales.
Auction Epic Shiny Careful Scyther!!
Eon replied to Denizxy13's topic in Shiny and Special Pokémon - Silver
Auction is void. You can guess why by the intervention of a Game Master. Apologies to the bidders for the inconvenience. Locked. -
@smokincatcher You've been temporarily restricted from posting for the deplorable behaviour and harassment showcased lately. Continued will only escalate the punishment further, that can culminate in a permanent posting restriction. Enough is enough - act respectfully towards others. @Eetaachee Apologies for the inconvenience. Please do not reply to such posts and stick to just reporting. It's easier for everybody that way. The related posts have been deleted. Good luck in your purchase.