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Everything posted by Eon

  1. @Scaminy Unfortunately you were victim of a False Offer. Appropriate actions have been taken against the perpetrator. As a result, your auction is void and therefore locked. Apologies for the inconvenience. Take care.
  2. The outcome of the auction has been forced. The Slowpoke has been transferred to @Demie from whom 1m were removed and added to @Monkeybandit. Will be locking the thread as it's served its purpose. Take care.
  3. @FrenchSteven A warning has been issued to your account for not setting an end point to your auction and ignoring the thread afterwards. You've also misused the term "c.o.". Highly advise you to read the Auction Rules before creating your next auction, to prevent further and harsher actions taken against you. @Nightblooming @Voidwarrior Apologies for the inconvenience. Without an end point, the auction was never valid. Locked as such. Take care.
  4. @Benjiemager Keep in mind you're only allowed one active thread in each sub-forum: You had another active thread alongside this one. When every auction in a thread has concluded, it stops being active. So before you create your next trade in this sub-forum, make sure every auction on both threads have concluded. If you wish to auction 5+ Pokemon at the same time, you may do so in the Shop section. Failing to comply in the future will warrant a formal warning issued to your account. Please post a screenshot of the trade window of Throh's auction when you complete it. Good luck in your remaining auctions. Take care.
  5. @ArieSlinger You need to be more careful with important information regarding auctions. In the title it says the duration is 48 hours, while in the OP says 24 hours. To avoid confusion, have removed the time from the title and edited the OP to 48 hours. In the future, keep auction parameters in the post only - not on the title, not anywhere else. There's no room for misunderstandings if it's in one place. Good luck in your auction.
  6. @smokincatcher You're adding trouble by being hostile towards other players. Please refrain from doing so and let Trade Moderators handle your concerns instead of lashing out. On my device @smokincatcher posted in the last possible minute. Even if that weren't the case and would have been 1 minute over, the bid in-game was made before the end point, therefore valid. In that case, @vangogsan, as the auctioneer, you have the obligation to acknowledge the offer in your thread as soon as possible to prevent confusion. Especially if it's made on the last minute, where time sensitivity is at its peak. Not acknowledging or telling the other player to post on your thread will get you in trouble as it breaks one of the Auction Rules. @Eetaachee As a recommendation, if you're ensure an auction has ended and you were outbid while still interested, report and keep bidding assuming the bid prior is valid. It's safe and you don't lose anything besides some time bidding. The winner of this auction is @smokincatcher with the 6m offer. @vangogsan Please arrange a meeting with the winner and post a screenshot of the trade window when completing it. Take care.
  7. Firstly, this auction was eligible of the 24 hours extended announced in PRO Discord, due to the server issues. Secondly, the outcome has been forced due to difficulties in meeting. The Easter Togepi has been transferred to @DaicaJay from whom 1.2m were removed and added to @Mutsumy. Thirdly, contacting privately a Trade Moderator isn't the correct way to get our attention. If I happen to miss it, the rest of the team isn't aware to support you. For your own sake, follow the instructions given in the Trade Rules and Auction Rules: Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  8. @mico05 The rules are clear in this regard: Seeing as you've added after the start, it's not valid. Have edited the OP to remove the minimum raise. There won't be any for this auction. Good luck.
  9. The outcome of the Ferrothorn auction has been forced. The Pokemon has been transferred to @Riddoe from whom 500k were removed and added to @Aggs. Good luck in your remaining sales.
  10. @Aggs Cannot assist in forcing the trade seeing as you've deleted the image of the Ferrothorn. If you still need assistance in this matter, please re-upload the screenshot of the related Pokemon. Good luck in your remaining sales.
  11. @Shiningshade The auction is not eligible for the aforementioned extension. So the winner is @Scothie. Please arrange a meeting with the winner and post a screenshot of the trade window when completing it. @anhklopper123 Apologies, your bid was after the end point, therefore invalid. The extension aims to diminish the effect of the server issues that were felt Wednesday. In the case of this one, there was the whole Thursday GMT+0 to bid. Take care.
  12. Confirming that this auction is eligible of the 24 hours extension due to the server issues felt during yesterday. The end point is therefore on the 22/05 at 3:20 PM GMT+0. Apologies for the inconvenience. Good luck to every intervenient.
  13. Confirming that this auction's duration has been extended for 24 hours due to the server issues while it was ongoing. The end point is therefore on the 20/05 at 4:22 AM GMT+0. Apologies for the inconvenience. Good luck to every intervenient.
  14. @Dorade As you said correctly - all trade rules must be followed. You've broken the following: For this, you were punished for False Selling. The Star Wars Meditite has been transferred to @Subhammaster from whom 400k were removed and added to you. Edited the OP to remove this Pokemon. @mico05 Apologies for the inconvenience. The Meditite is no longer available. If more deals are agreed upon in the following days, you may use the Report button so the trade can be forced due to the seller's temporary inability to trade. Good luck in the remaining sales.
  15. @Limit You need to be more careful. Offers made on an account you do not own, or using as a third party to make an offer on your behalf, won't ever be valid. We'd be accepting impostor actions otherwise. The related post has been deleted. @envymeister Apologies for the inconvenience. The starting point was on 18/05 at 10:33 PM GMT+0 (when Limit started from his account). Good luck in your auction.
  16. @N4T5U You were punished for violating some of the Auction Rules, both in-game and on the forum. Apologies for the inconvenience to the ones interested. This Azurill was insta'ed in-game. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  17. Confirming that, due to the aforementioned extension, the end point of this auction is on the 19th of May at 6:03 PM GMT+0. Apologies for the inconvenience. Good luck to every intervenient.
  18. @PhantomPirate @Jupiter123 Unsure of what you're trying to pull, but be wary that next time you're caught doing this, you will be punished for False Offering. You've been warned. @Ryuusenka You've overbumped your auction quite a few times. Reminder that you may once bump it once within 24 hours, as instructed in the Forum Rules. Please keep this in mind moving forward. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  19. The outcome of this auction has been forced due to the winner's inactivity. The Pokemon has been transferred to @kingsoccer from whom 500k were removed and added to @Imperfecton. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  20. @araragiKun The trade isn't possible. This Scizor was already sold in January of this year. Please remove it from your shop. We won't force trade Pokemon owned by other players either without concrete proof of their permission relaying a 3rd party to conduct the sale. @Alexii Apologies for the inconvenience. Your purchase is void since, even if there was permission proven, the seller is no longer in possession of the Pokemon. Good luck in the remaining sales.
  21. The outcome of this auction has been forced. The Charmander has been transferred to @GoldenP1kachu from whom 25m & x25 Coin Capsule & x1 Reroll Ticket were removed and added to @Skibus. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  22. @Skibus The winner is on Gold so no need to transfer. Will force the trade later, when I'm available.
  23. @Syarif12 In general overbumping is dealt with a simple verbal warning, but in this auction you've overbumped massively: For this reason, a former forum warning has been issued to your account. Repeated will warrant a temporary posting restriction. Please review the Forum Rules and Auction Rules. You may only bump once within 24 hours and forum bids don't need to be acknowledged. You've also failed to acknowledge the first bid of the auction. If you forgot to take the screenshot, then the bid isn't valid and you should treat it as such, and only announce it when you've spoken with the bidder again. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  24. The outcomes of the Cradidos and Magikarp auctions have been forced. 1m has been removed from @Gasty95 who received the Cranidos and 1.2m has been removed from @Exoforce whom received the Magikarp. 2.2m has been added to @Simodelmaz as a result. Good luck in the remaining sales.
  25. @Azriel132261 You were punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. The Lycanroc was sold before the end point, not respecting the +15min rule. You've also excessively overbumped your thread, when you can only do it once within 24 hours. Make sure to read the Auction Rules and Forum Rules to prevent further sanctions to your account in the future. Since the auctioneer has spent the money, the outcome isn't reversible. Apologies for the inconvenience. Will be locking the thread as there's no further action to take. Take care.
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