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Everything posted by Q25

  1. sick gallade, best success selling them
  2. you should go bigger steps instead of 1by1 xd this one is useable atleast for shiny rain team
  3. Looking for offer on this green monster, u can pm or offer here useable for shiny rain team or as mixed attacker
  4. 7.777.777 pokedollar
  5. one of a kind h.a. careful scizor 28/31/31 best zard in both servers if you ask me, h.a. can be used with specs on sun team you can contact me in game mate if you wanna chat about these peace
  6. you can pm me with offer if you like
  7. if you have one pm me with your price, pretty much gonna buy one fast
  8. S.O. = 750k Min Bid. =100k insta 2m 24hour auction after first bid
  9. Title description... 1hp... You almost Got me hyped...... Stop doing this title baits guys
  10. hello man, i love your profil picture. very nice charmander art hope you find a shiny charmander one day
  11. guys dont make discussion about the value, its not fair for the seller or the buyer. just offer or leave it. peace im out, nice scizor
  12. technician ofc. 30m for h.a. ? ok lets not bump the price like this
  13. what is an offer auction ? type your s.o. your min bid. if you have insta or not and the timer for an auction, but there is nothng like offer auction
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