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About Debuda

  • Birthday 02/05/2003

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  1. Budget 2-5m IGN - Debuda Disc - debuda#4060
  2. Hello, When i defeated medusa & eldir boss they gave me option to choose between 5 outfits ( dc clothes was not in the option ) and i chose one then he gave me one more outfit ( dc clothes ) but when i checked it in my bag it wasnt there, only dc clothes were there . Can someone check if this is a bug? Ty.
  3. basically while doing this quest these are one of them , 1. When i went to take the final pokemon for the team in dark realm npc just asked me to choose between charmander squirtle and bulbasaur and i never had chance to fight him and get the clone starters . 2. I completed the quest of darkrai but in the end when i was sent to catch darkrai it wasnt there . i alreasy asked how to fix this , staff asked me to fight horon with a pokemon with miracle eye move in the team , but in the end due to this fight with horon i was unable to recieve an iv lock reroll . Can someone help me with these , ty
  4. So basically I m not receiving any iv lock reroll out of that quest because of a bug?
  5. thanks that worked it spawned darkrai but i m unable to get the iv locked reroll from the lady it says ''i have done all i can do for you'' is that a bug too?
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