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Everything posted by Siidon

  1. bump
  2. very active until hw event starts, 10% on quest services!!!!!!!!! lvl up and ev for now paused.
  4. Halloween Beldum: current: chroma: Halloween Metang: current: chroma: Halloween Metagross: current:chroma: Halloween Metagross MEGA: current: chroma: Halloween Sandile: current: chroma: Halloween Krokorok: current: chroma: Halloween Krookodile: current: chroma:
  5. 5.6 transfer if win
  6. 15% on Quest Services this Weekend!!!
  7. Siidon

    Victory Star!

  8. bump, where are my lovely customers?
  9. Siidon

    Victory Star!

    bump, looking for strong PvP players to reach 200+ ratings every month!!
  10. sounds awesome
  11. cool thing, works well.
  12. 696.969 transfer if win
  13. I assume you don't have the mega bracelet yet.
  14. ill lend this until august 31st pm ingame, always online from 7:00 - 23:00 your timezone
  15. did you talk to every single old tree, gravestone etc.? Even in the underground from the forest? The Video that Lugario sent doesn’t show every single spot. I have done this quest over 10 times for my own accounts + as a quest service for ither players and never faced a single issue even when I did it last week with s friend vis discord-stream. The forest part does take by far the longest and is really annoying. make sure to talk to every single thing on the forest map from every single direction possible. Preferably you record it so the staff would have something visual if its really a bug. Hope you find it as fast as possible.
  16. Username: Siidon Server: Gold Country/Timezone: Switzerland / GMT+2
  17. Siidon

    Victory Star!

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