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Everything posted by Siidon

  1. Hey @86adrian86 We would be happy if you take a look at our guild in gold server! Click here to our guilds forums post: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/237052-damage-inc-2-home-of-the-metagods/page/2 We would love to see you apply! Cheers, Siidon
  2. Siidon

    Victory Star!

  3. bump
  4. Welcome back, friend, surprised you even mentioned mebest of luck in the game and always hit me up if you need something.
  5. THIS IS A BUNDLE AUCTION! ONLY ALL 3 AT ONCE! S.O. 500K MIN BID 100K INSTA 12.69M DURATION: 72 HOURS AFTER FIRST OFFER! PAYMENT IN POKEDOLLARS ONLY! Timer: https://webuhr.de/timer/#countdown=71:53:00&date=2024-05-22T08:35:11&title=Mawile+auction&sound=xylophone&loop=1 GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN BIDDING!
  6. bump
  7. Siidon

    Victory Star!

  8. GUILD DISBANDED, PLS VISIT THE DAMAGE INC POST https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/237053-damage-inc-home-of-the-metagods/
  9. 3.6 from tabalugaa transfer if win
  10. WTB GYARADOS FOR THE TRAINER TOWER!!! Gyarados Jolly Moxie Level 39 / 252 spd and atk / 6 hp Moveset doesn’t matter Gyarados Jolly Moxie Level 69 / 252 spd and atk / 6 hp Moveset doesn’t matter Pay well if the level and evs are ready, 31/31s are preferred. (common poke) Contact me here or on forums, gold and silver server. Take more than one each for alts / lending. Contact me via discord (not_manuu) Contact me via ingame (Siidon) Contact me via Forums (Siidon) Thanks in advance and see you soon!
  11. WTB GYARADOS FOR THE TRAINER TOWER!!! Gyarados Jolly Moxie Level 39 / 252 spd and atk / 6 hp Moveset doesn’t matter Gyarados Jolly Moxie Level 69 / 252 spd and atk / 6 hp Moveset doesn’t matter Pay well if the level and evs are ready, 31/31s are preferred. (common poke) Contact me here or on forums, gold and silver server. Take more than one each for alts / lending. Contact me via discord (not_manuu) Contact me via ingame (Siidon) Contact me via Forums (Siidon) Thanks in advance and see you soon!
  12. sent you a message on discord
  13. start, money in tabalugaa
  14. ● What's your IGN? Siidon Discord: not_manuu ● How old are you? 20 years old ● Where are you from? Switzerland ● What's your total playtime? 5300 hours + ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Dungeons, PvE Stuff, Services in every way, repelling (makes me poor tho) ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) Visit my service shop, might post in on silver and gold server: click here Important note: I'm always switching servers. (Weekly / Monthly) but i'm always available for the gold guild and my future silver guild. And the most important question of them all: Which Bidoof Form do you like the most? -Suidoof, Raidoof or Endoof ? Raydoof
  15. Hello, i've been visiting my own forums-profile and realized that it still shows my very first ingame name in the URL. (I've changed it for like 5 times already) Is that normal? Do other players see that too or is it just me as account owner? I don't know if it's a bug but I know there is a lot more important stuff to check/do for the mod-team. Would be happy about an answer but don't need to rush for this I guess. :))) Cheers, Siidon Edit: If I change the URL and type it with my current name it does reload with the very first ign as shown in the screenshot.
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