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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. Ok I will also participate. XD All 2k
  2. Noted and started. Good luck. ^.^
  3. Konichiwa, minna! Staraptor @ Leftovers Ability: Intimidate Impish Nature - Brave Bird - Roost - Defog - U-turn S.O.- 100k C.O. 650k by Gio Min bid 50k Auction ends in 24hrs from 1st bid. End point- 19/03/23-11:46pm IST GMT +5.30 Accept CC(380k) & Pokedollars.
  4. c.o. 540k by @Sravanzero
  5. C.o. 650k by Bakshi Min bid 50k Accept cash and cc(390k). Auction ends in 24hrs from start point. End point- 1:11am 18/03/23 IST GMT +5.30 Good Luck!
  6. C.o. 300k by Gintokichan Insta 1m Ends in 12:41pm IST GMT +5.30
  7. Slowpoke 69k and Start Poliwag
  8. Thanks for stating your opinion. I mostly seek participation from most of the PvP-ers.
  9. 1z move sweep whole team? Kyurem z is there. Many others.
  10. Eetaachee


    Hey sexy boi,hot collection.
  11. And Sold Ambipom too. Topic can be closed. P.S.- Hid the name as per buyer's request.
  12. I will go off to sleep. We can do it tomorrow then. It's 1:39am for me here. Gotta go to work tomorrow. XD
  13. Noted,auction gets extended for 15mins
  14. ambi ends in 1hr 21mins. C.o. 1m350k on Ambi
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