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Everything posted by Lyn1311

  1. Another quest done! Hoopa dungeon, Arche quest and Gyardosite. THnx Much, GLhf! Another halloween quest done! Darkrai, Babyxd, Gengar chess easy and hard. Thnx Much, Glhf! Another quest done! Hoopa dungeon, Victini dungeon+ time flute, Arche quest, Crater quest, Cemetry quest, Mewnium z, Kanto z, z ring, Alolan z, Mega quest; metagross, manectric, mawile, camerupt, sharpedo, sceptile, glaile, sableye, altaria. Zekrom, terrakion. Thnx Much, GLhf!
  2. Some more hallowen quest done! Hoopa dungeons, babyxd, gengar chess, darkrai, cemetry, arche quest! Thnx Much, Happy Halloween^^
  3. hi, can i ask about history trade of this scizor? thnx btw currently on my box pc, i trade it from djlokesh. i was forget is it mine or djlokesh. Can help me to track if yesterday this scizor is in my pc or djlokesh. thnx^^
  4. Another Hw quest done! Darkrai, babyxd and gengarite. Thnx Much, GLhf! Another Hw quest done! Babyxd quest. Thnx Much, GLhf! 1 Hoopa dungeon done! Thnx Much, GLhf! Another hoopa dungeon and arche quest! Thnx Much GLhf! Adding Hoopa dungeon service for silver server^^ Queue line service : 4
  5. Hi, sorry i still hvnt sell dungeon hoopa yet. I have catch 1 my self but still mostly luck, ill try few time more before sure selling service^^
  6. Another Halloween Quest done! Gengar chess hard and super hard. Thnx Much, GLhf!
  7. Another quest done! Kanto crystal, Alolan crystal, Mew crystal z and special request 11 typing z crystal. Thnx Much, Glhf!
  8. Gz you won the auction, please let me know when you available, can pm me ingame or at my dc Lyn1311. Thnx everyone for participation.
  9. Start 500k Min bid 50k 48 hr after start accept cc 400k, rr 500k
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