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Everything posted by Lyn1311

  1. Godly max speed gengar sold, h.a 28 speed timid alo tales sold
  2. To be honest it not really good idea, just example someone noob with 50 hr play hour got rare shiny like charmander or zorua, just saying the default setting is anonymus so other people impossible to know if this noob got a shiny, but because the anouncement *yo bro someone just got shiny charmander* at game chat. People specially scammer and we know who will spam in trade chat *wtb shiny charmander/zorua pay well 1m*. Imagine you noob and only have 50hr seeing 1m offer when you barely buy hyper potion. And next minute this scammer make auction *wts s charmander 60m*, ill insta uninstal this game if i were this noob
  3. Updates, Adding azumaril army and update accepted payment
  4. That will be very anoying xD either to finder because scamer spam nor other player because notif spam, great idea tho
  5. Update! some epics Altaria, Houndoom, Venusaur, Rotom
  6. I think i wouldnt, i mean iam rarely train poke myself nor using any ev berries xD
  7. Update! Shiny Fennekin and Oshawot, Make ur offer!
  8. U miss 1 spot, try check route underwater east of lilycove
  9. Add some updates; Ferros Lopunnies Medicham
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