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Everything posted by Yomawari

  1. Bump roughly 24 hours left
  2. Start: 400k Min bid: 50k No insta End time: 8:34 am gmt+7 19th June Accepts cc (400k) and reroll (700k) HP flying in case anyone ask
  3. Extended end time by 15 mins, it will end by 9:00 gmt +7
  4. Cmo 5.35m by Tagliati, 8 mins left
  5. Bump, 2 hours left. C.o 4m550 by Busociu
  6. Bump, c.o 4m by Scothie. 1 day left
  7. Start: 500k Min bid: 50k No insta. Time end: 8:45 am gmt +7 15th June Accepted payments: Cc (400k) Reroll (700k)
  8. Start
  9. +1, i do think some bosses need a reward revamp. Like comeon, Eldir and Medusa have Lum berries and Repels in their pool
  10. 600k
  11. 200k
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